Tuesday 12 September 2017

4 Factors To Consider Before Buying a Yorkshire Terrier

Any dog parent would agree that taking care of a dog, no matter what breed, comes with its ups and downs. The individual personality of each pet depends on how they are raised and trained by their owners. Yorkshire Terriers remain to be one of the world's most popular breeds - they are affectionate, intelligent and are ideal companion dogs. But like any other dog breed, they also have their downsides.

Here are some factors to consider when you're planning to buy a Yorkie:


One of the many things that make Yorkies charming is their beautiful, silky hair that many owners like to style, often in cute little bows. Given this, the breed may be a little high maintenance when it comes to grooming and requires routine brushing, cleaning and cutting. Regular brushing is a must if the hair is kept long, regular haircuts must be done if one chooses to keep it short. Long or short, their fur must always be clean and brushed to avoid a dirty, matted coat. The good news is that shedding is minimal as they are a hypoallergenic dog breed.


Yorkshire Terriers are said to be one of the most difficult small dogs to housebreak. Some claim that their puppy learned in a matter of weeks, while some say that their pet never fully became housebroken. It takes a lot of time, patience, positive encouragement (and dog treats) to train and housebreak a Yorkie, so if you're planning to buy one, it's one thing you should be prepared for.


Terriers are known to be protective, vocal and loyal which make them natural barkers - it's just in their characters. They may not be ideal for owners who live in condos or small apartments where people come and go all the time. However, constant barking can be resolved with proper training especially if done early. Look at it this way, Yorkshire Terriers make excellent guard dogs despite their small size!

Separation Anxiety Tendency

Being sweet and affectionate, the breed lives for companionship and does not like being alone that's why they have a high tendency of developing separation anxiety. If left for a few hours alone, they usually start barking and chewing on things. They are ideal for stay at home dog parents or the elderly. Of course, even working pet owners can find a solution to this - find a pet sitter or a dog walker.

Having said this, each dog is unique, every puppy deserves to be loved, cared for and trained even with difficulty.

Source: http://ezinearticles.com/?4-Factors-To-Consider-Before-Buying-a-Yorkshire-Terrier&id=9694044

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