Sunday 10 September 2017

Give Your Dog Love, Discipline and Leadership!

Dog owners want their dogs to really love them. It may begin when you see a great, loyal pet as a child and you want one of your own. You want a dog that will always be with you and be devoted to you.

However, we can be mistaken sometimes about what will make our dogs love us. It's not simply a matter of spoiling our dogs. We also need to provide discipline and leadership. Once you are in charge, there are some tips that can make your relationship even better.

1. Discipline with Treats - Don't give your dog table scraps. When you give it table scraps it sends a confusing message about who is in charge. Table scraps can also make your dog unhealthy. However, occasional treats are fine and will make your dog love you more.

2. Play with Your Dog Every Day - If you're tired after a long day at work you may not feel like playing with your dog. But pet dog needs you to play with him every day. Play at least once a day for about an hour. Just throwing a ball for your dog or playing a game of fetch can keep your dog from getting bored and lonely.

3. Take Your Dog for Rides - If you are the unmistakable pack leader in your home, your pet will love to go on rides in the car with you. Try to take your dog with you to the store or on other short trips.

4. Get Down On Your Dog's Level - One of the best ways to get close to your dog is physically interact with your dog at his level. Get in the floor and talk to your dog. Play and give your dog some attention. This is especially important if your dog is never allowed to get on the furniture. He will feel left out if he isn't allowed to interact with you at the same level. You can share a special time for bonding if you will get down on the floor with your dog.

5. Take Walks - Taking a good walk with your dog is great for both of you. You may think that your pet is only interested in bushes and trees, but your dog loves to be outside with you. You should remind your dog that you're beside him from time to time.

6. Health and Grooming - Although your pet may fuss when it's time for grooming, the time you spend brushing and grooming your dog is bonding time. Bathing, grooming, and health care are very important ways to show your dog that you care about him. Your dog enjoys being clean and he thanks you for it.

When your dog is healthy, he is happy, and when your pet is happy, he can focus that energy on you. If your dog is grumpy it may be due to poor health or lack of exercise. You can take care of those things.

7. Show Your Good Feelings - Remember that dogs are experts at reading body language. They pay more attention to your movements and actions than to your language. It doesn't matter if you say, "I love you" to your pet unless you really show it.

Spend time with your dog and show your good feelings. Don't be annoyed or impatient. You can be the leader without being gruff. Show it that you care.

When you spend time with your dog, you and it both get something from the relationship. It's symbiotic. If you want your pet to love you, you must love him, too.

If you are willing to spend time with your dog and really love him, then your dog will give you the love and devotion that you have always dreamed of having.

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