Monday 18 September 2017

4 Tips To Consider When Walking Your Dog

It's very important to walk your dog in order to exercise him. While this is the case, you need to consider a number of tips in order to have ideal results. Some of these tips include:

Walk Before The Dog

When walking your dog always ensure that you are the one in front of him-you should never let him lead you. This is to prevent the dog from feeling that he's the one in control. When the dog feels that he's in control its usually very hard to train and even discipline him. For ideal results always be the one leading him and let him know that he is supposed to be at the back.

Ensure That The Dog Has A Leash

A leash allows you to easily control the dog. For ideal results, you should ensure that the leash is far up on the dog's neck in order to have as much control as possible. You should avoid using body harnesses as they aren't ideal for a walking dog-they are designed for weight pulling or sled pulling. When you put on the harness on your dog, you make it difficult for you to control the dog.

To help you keep the leash up on the dog's neck you should use an illusion collar. For ideal results you shouldn't allow the dog to pull you. You should also avoid pulling the dog constantly - you should just relax and go for a walk.

Don't Allow The Dog To Relived Himself Anywhere

To walk fast and achieve your desired goal you should prevent the dog from reliving himself anywhere. You should let the dog relieve himself only when he wants to go to the bathroom. Here you should use your judgment to decide the best place to do it. As rule of thumb you should never allow the dog to relieve himself for the sake of marking the spot. Whenever he tries to do so you should let him know that he is doing the wrong thing.

Ignore Distraction

It's common for you to be distracted during your walk. For example, it's common to pass a barking dog. When your dog averts his attention to the distraction, you should give a tug on the leash in order to avert his attention back to the walk. If the tug doesn't work you should slightly touch the dog to snap his attention to you. You should never hit the dog.


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