Wednesday 20 September 2017

How To Properly Train Your Dog To Not Jump On People

Owning a dog can be a wonderful experience because they are great companions. Some dogs do have some annoying behaviors like jumping on visitors when they arrive. Have you ever wondered why dogs do this and how you can stop this problematic behavior? This article will explain why dogs do this and how to stop them.

Dogs are pack animals by nature and are related to wolves. Being a pack animal influences their behavior even when around people. They consider people to be just like another dog. In the dogs mind, the most important thing is to establish dominance over the other pack members. Whenever a dogs encounters a new person, their first instinct is to try to establish their dominance over that person.

When your pet jumps on visitors when they arrive, your dog is trying to establish dominance over your visitors. Your dog wants to be the pack leader and wants to make sure that everyone knows that they are the pack leader. This type of behavior is not good for the pet because it can lead to other bad behaviors.

The dog needs to understand that you, the dog owner, are the pack leader. This is achieved through proper training and socialization. Many people treat their dogs like their children. But the best way to treat your dog is to treat them like a dog.

Treating your pet like a dog means that you communicate with them in a way that a dog understands. A dog should be trained to understand that their owner is their pack leader. If you do not teach your pet that you are their pack leader, then they will become your pack leader.

Dogs also need to be properly socialized. Socialization involves teaching your dog how to act around other people. They need to understand what behaviors are expected of them. Once your pet understands their role and how they should behave, both you and your dog will be happy.

To prevent a canine from jumping on your guests when they arrive at your home is fairly easy. Start by never praising them when you arrive home. Second, train your dog to sit when someone walks through the door of your home. Correct your pet anytime they try to jump on a person.

Your pet needs to understand their role and what behavior is expected of them. Teaching a dog that they are not the pack leader and that they should not act disrespectfully of your guests will make both you and your dog happy and content.


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