Tuesday 20 February 2018

Finding a New Home For Your Dog

There are those times when you must absolutely find a new home for your dog. I know we all talk about the fact that you shouldn't give up your dog but sometimes difficult situations might keep you from sticking to that agreement with yourself. 

So when people ask me how they might find a new home for their dog this is the advice that I usually give them. 

Start off with friends and family. These are people you trust and maybe they know somebody that would really like to own your dog. Be sure that you're honest about your dog and any problems that it may have. You certainly don't want to pass any existing problems onto another unsuspecting owner. 

Your veterinarian is also a good place to try. Since he sees and talks to pet owners all day long maybe he has of one of his clients that might be a good match for your dog. 

If those two places fail I always suggest you then try the breed rescues. Breed rescues generally deal with one specific breed so you'll need to Google "Labrador breed rescue" for example or whatever breed your dog is to find the breed rescues in your area. Even if you don't find a breed rescue in your town there may be one close by. Quite often breed rescues have people in different areas to be able to help them with their rescue efforts. 

The next choice is to place an ad in your local newspaper. I always suggest that you never give your dog or sell your dog to the first person that shows up. Tell anybody who inquires and comes to take a look at your dog that you're basically going to be taking applications for three or four days in an effort to find the very best home for your dog. 

While you're running the newspaper ad you might as well run and add at Craigslist.com. If you do the newspaper and the Craigslist ad at the same time it will give you an opportunity to check out more potential new homes for your dog at the same time. 

Of course the last possibility is the local shelter or animal rescue. I have found in the past that usually these places are full and even if they do have space for your dog many of them are kill shelters which means your dog may be put to sleep if nobody adopts it. 

If finding your dog a new home is a must and you have no other choice then do your best that you can to find the very best home you can. Take your time and don't be in a rush.


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