Wednesday 21 February 2018

Get Your Lost Dog Back Home Safe and Sound

Having your dog lost is a very scary situation. It can happen in several different ways. Maybe your dog darted out the front door when a visitor tried to enter. It's possible that your dog escaped from the backyard by digging under or crawling over the fence. It's also possible that your dog slipped out of its collar while out on a walk and ran away. It doesn't really matter how it happened. The question is will you be able to get your dog back safely? 

If you took some precautions prior to your dog's disappearance then the possibility is good that your pet will finds its way home with the help of some caring Good Samaritan. Let's talk about what you can do ahead of time to make this happen. 

One of the most important things every dog owner should do for their dog is to have it chipped. It is a small chip that your vet will install right under the skin. It's not expensive or painful for your dog. When your dog is found a vet can use a chip wand to find your information and deliver your wayward dog to you safely. 

Of course the most obvious thing you can do as a dog owner is to have a good collar with a name tag. This collar should be on your dog all the time, yes I mean 24/7. You never know when your dog might escape so having the collar on all the time is a must. The tag should have your contact information and please remember to change the tag anytime you move or change your phone number. 

The things we have discussed so far are very important however there are some things you can do to prevent your dog from becoming lost to begin with. Let's talk about a couple of things that you can do to make sure your dog stays home all safe and sound. 

Make sure that the fence in your backyard is safe and secure. Check for broken wood, as well as spots where your dog can crawl under the fence. An item that many people over look is the gate latch. Has your dog learned to open it? Do the kids go out the gate and forget to close it? These are things that can allow your dog to escape. It's a simple fix. If you will put a lock in the latch there is no way that your dog can get through the gate. 

Another important thing for you to do is teach the manners at the door. Yes you can actually teach your dog to sit and stay when the door is opened and it should learn that it cannot cross the threshold until given a command. 

If you will follow these few simple tips your dog probably will not get away from you and become lost to begin with, however if it does a good tagged collar and a chip should get it back to you quickly and safely.


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