Sunday 4 February 2018

Getting Prepared For A New Baby In The House

You have a new baby on the way! What can you do to prepare your dog for the big day?

Things to consider to prepare your dog

1. Getting the dog trained. If you have a new baby in the house then you should train your dog to obey a few simple commands. These are commands that are important for any well behaved dog to know including stay, down, stay and no jump. These are commands that can be very important to prevent accidents when you have a new baby in the house.

2. Setting boundaries. Your dog may be allowed access to all rooms in the house and to get on the furniture. When you have a new baby in the house, these things can be dangerous. It's important for you to set some boundaries in the house for your dog. Start teaching your dog that he is only allowed in certain rooms or areas of the house. It should not be allowed in the nursery or other places where the baby will be. You can use kiddie gates to keep your dog from going in these areas.

3. Start walking your dog with an empty stroller. The stroller and some of the other equipment for the baby can seem strange to your dog. Get your dog used to these items before the baby is born. Start walking your dog with the empty stroller before the baby is born, for example.

4. Get your dog used to the smell of baby oil and other new scents. Babies mean there will be new scents in the home. You can help your dog get used to some of these scents before the baby is born. Let your dog get used to the scent of baby oil, baby powder, and other things you will be using for the baby before the baby is born. This will help your dog make the adjustment when you bring the baby home.

5. If mom usually takes care of the dog, have dad take over the responsibilities of walking and feeding. Mom is going to be busy. Obviously, mom is going to have her hands full with the baby, so dad can start taking care of the dog. Dad can start taking care of the dog while mom is pregnant to help out. But mom should still spend some time with the dog. Don't let the dog feel neglected or left out.

6. Introduction should be done slowly. Once the baby comes home, you should introduce it to your dog very slowly. You don't need to let your dog put his face up to the baby to smell. Dog and baby can be in the same room together for an introduction. Everyone will be in love with the baby, but don't forget or ignore your dog during this time. Allow him to feel part of the family.

7. NEVER leave the baby alone with the dog. NEVER. Most dogs love babies and children but you have to be prepared to make sure there isn't an accident. Do not ever leave a dog and baby alone together, not even for a moment.

Your dog and baby can live in harmony together but training for your dog is important, so get started now before the baby gets here.


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