Thursday 1 February 2018

Worms - What They Do To Your Dog

It is not unusual for your dog to come down with worms. One third of all dogs will be infected by various kinds of intestinal parasites in their life. There are many types of worms that can affect your dog including roundworms, tapeworms, hookworms and whipworms.

 As a caring owner of a dog, you should be aware of what to look for when it comes to worms. If you are aware of the symptoms, you can take the necessary measures so that your dog will remain active and healthy.

Symptoms in dogs affected by worms

When a dog is affected by worms, it can suffer from a distended belly. The stomach might be in bloated condition. If the infection is serious, there will be vomiting, weight loss and diarrhea as well. It is possible to see some worms in the dog's stools. The most common way that worms are spread from one dog to another dog is through the stools. Some worms will be transmitted to your dog through the infected ground.

Tapeworms are probably the most common worms that you will find in dogs. There will be very few clinical signs when a dog is affected by tapeworms. If there is a heavy infestation, there could be weight loss and intestinal upset as well. There will be segments of tapeworms which can be found in stools, which actually look like pieces of rice. The most probable cause for the spread of tapeworm is the ingestion of fleas. It is possible that tapeworms might transfer to other pets as well.

Facts about worms

You should know some important facts about intestinal worms. Healthy dogs can be affected by worms. Some dogs will not show any symptoms even though they suffer from worms. You can find noticeable itching in the anal area in some dogs and some dogs will have increased appetite levels, diarrhea and weight loss symptoms.

In some instances, the worms from dogs can spread to human-beings as well. Hence, extreme care should be taken. The roundworm larvae can migrate through the blood stream and it can also reach the eyes. In such cases, there will be loss of vision. If children are living in poor hygienic conditions, this kind of situation might happen.


A dog can catch worms from other dogs. Infected feces of other animals, raw meat and fleas are a great source for the spread of worms from one pet to another. In order to control worms in your dog it is important to take your dog for regular checkups with your vet to keep your dog healthy and happy.


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