Saturday 24 February 2018

Some Golden Retriever Health Problems

Are you considering getting a Golden retriever puppy or possibly adopting an older Golden Retriever? Goldens are fantastic dogs. They train easily and are most definitely a very loyal companion. However, like any other breed, they do have some health issues that you should consider and watch for before purchasing your dog.

Some of the issues that Golden Retrievers can suffer from include:

Hip Dysplasia

Eye problems

Skin problems including hot spots

Ear infections


Let's start off with hip dysplasia. Possibly you've heard about hip dysplasia before. It's where the bone and the socket of the hip do not line up the way they're supposed to. It can also be where the hip joint is very gnarly and rough and causes discomfort when the dog walks.

Dysplasia can be very serious and can cause a tremendous amount of pain for your dog. There are fixes for this problem from surgery for serious cases to medications for less serious cases.

The best way to avoid the problem is to buy a puppy whose parents were both OFA'd. OFA stands for the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals. X-rays are taken and sent to them for evaluation. Breeding parents should be rated excellent or good. If the breeders can not provide those certificates do not buy the pup. Doing so can cause heartbreak and a bunch of expense later.

Goldens can also suffer from some eye problems and again most good breeders will have their breeding dogs CERF'd. There is a certificate given for this also. The certificate shows that the dog has been checked by a doggy ophthalmologist to see that its eyes are clear of genetic eye diseases.

Skin problems can be a problem with some Goldens and it is possible that your dog will suffer from a hotspot at some point in its life. A hotspot is a condition sometimes referred to as moist dermatitis where the skin becomes inflamed and appears red and moist. Dogs have a tendency to lick this area and actually make it worse. A visit to your vet can get you a topical medication that will help correct the problem.

If you own a Golden you will probably at some point have a problem with ear infections. You will probably see your dog shaking its head or scratching its ears. If you don't take care of the problem early it can escalate to a more serious infection so be sure to see your vet at the first sign of an ear infection.

Lymphoma can affect any breed at any age however Golden Retrievers are very susceptible to this form of cancer. Lymphoma will appear as lumps and they can be anywhere on the dogs body however the armpits, groin area and the neck seem to be most common.. If you find a lump on your dog be sure to visit you vet promptly. Keep in mind that a lump does not mean your dog has cancer however a quick biopsy can determine if it is lymphoma.

I don't mean to alarm any body who is considering getting a Golden. Similar health problems exist in all breeds, so don't let this keep you from getting a Golden and enjoying all the fabulous qualities and happiness that this breed can bring into your home.


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