Wednesday 7 February 2018

7 Tips to Make Your Dog Walk More Enjoyable

Getting out and going for a walk is not only good for your health but it's also a great way to enjoy spending time with your dog. In this article I want to give you a few tips on how to make that walk safer and more enjoyable.

1. The first tip is to make sure you have the right collar and it is adjusted properly. Quite often I see people that have their collar on too lose and the dog can actually slip out of it and possibly run out into the street in front of a car. Another possibility is the dog slips out of his collar and gets into a fight with another dog. The collar should be adjusted so that it's tight enough that it cannot come over the dog's head but yet you can stick two fingers under the collar.

2. The next thing is to make sure your dog has been trained to walk nicely on a leash beside you. There is nothing worse than going for a walk and having your dog drag you down the street. So take the time to teach your dog to walk nicely with a loose leash.

3. This tip involves your leash. Make sure you get a comfortable leash, ideally a leather leash. Chain leashes hurt your hands and nylon leashes burn your fingers when the dog pulls, but getting a nice leather leash is like wearing a nice leather glove. You can see that I didn't mention using a retractable leash in fact I suggest to all my clients that they take their retractable leash and throw it in the trash. I've seen so many of those break and allow the dog to get loose which can create a real nightmare on a busy street or an area with other dogs.

4. Make sure you take plastic bags to pick up the dog poop while you're on your walk.

5. Water is always important especially on hot days. But it's a good idea to have a bottle of water with you on cool days as well to help keep you and your dog hydrated.

6. Breaks are important and depending on how far you plan on walking you may need to take several breaks for your dog's sake and well-being.

7. Last but not least make sure that you and your dog are healthy enough to be taking walks. Take in to consideration your general health as well as that of your dog, and the outside temperature. Taking long walks in the heat of summer can be rough on man and beast, so be careful.

Taking walks with your dog can help build a bond between the two of you. It also can be a great time to work on your training exercises because it allows you to be around and see all types of distractions. This makes it an ideal situation to proof your dog's obedience training.

If you will follow these simple tips I know you'll enjoy those walks with your dog.


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