Wednesday 17 January 2018

Tips for Handling Dog Aggression

No one wants to have an aggressive dog in their home. You can't allow an aggressive dog to take over your house, especially when you know you should be the leader of your pack. As soon as you see signs of any aggressive behavior in your dog, use the following tips to stop it.

1. Assume the Alpha Position. Most of the time if your dog is exhibiting aggressive behavior he is trying to assume control of the household, making a challenge toward your alpha position. Even if your dog isn't trying to challenge you, life will be easier if you have a clear pack order.

Take charge, make your commands clear, train your dog with care, and show your dog that you are the one in charge at all times. Even if this doesn't stop the aggressive behavior it will make it easier to manage.

2. Separate Problem Dogs. If you have more than one dog that is causing problems or if your dog has issues with guarding food, get rid of the issue. If you have two dogs that fight over food, for example, feed them in separate rooms. If you have two dogs that can't walk together, walk them separately.

Don't be too concerned. This kind of solution isn't usually permanent. But they do work in the short-term and prevent more serious problems.

3. Obedience Training. Obedience training is a good way to teach your dog how to follow specific commands and to respect your authority.

4. Keep Your Dog Busy. In some cases a dog will become aggressive if they don't have anything to keep them busy. If they are bored, have too much energy, lack focus, or anxious, they can become aggressive.

This is an easy problem to fix. When your dog is behaving well you should pay attention to him, give him plenty of exercise, and provide him with toys to keep him busy when you are away.

5. See Your Vet. In some cases aggression can be caused by a health problem. If your dog is sick or lacking in proper nutrition you should take him to the vet. These issues can cause your dog to behave aggressively.

6. Your Dog Needs Plenty of Exercise and A Good Diet. Good training won't help your dog unless he is also getting plenty of exercise and eats a good diet. A cheap dog food may not cause aggression but a lack of nutrients can make your dog's behavior worse.

7. Avoid Triggers. If you know something triggers aggression in your dog, avoid the trigger. If your dog doesn't like children or has problems with leashed dogs, or acts up when a truck drives by, avoid those negative stimuli.

8. Reduce the Fears in Your Dog's Life. Fear can be a cause of aggression. To reduce the fear in your dog's life, don't use negative punishment to change his behavior. Correct behaviors instead of punishing them.

If your dog has any phobias, don't reinforce them by giving him extra attention or care when he is upset by them. This will only emphasize to him that there is something to fear.

9. Work with a Good Dog Trainer. If you aren't making good progress with your dog's aggression, hire a professional. There are many good dog trainers who are experienced and knowledgeable when it comes to handling dogs with behavior problems, including aggression. Contact a good trainer before your dog does something to hurt someone. Don't wait until it's too late.

Unlike many dog behavior problems, aggression is serious and it can't wait. It needs to be handled right away. Aggression can lead to worse problems such as biting or attacking. It typically makes the entire family uncomfortable. If your dog is suffering from problems with aggression, take care of it right away.


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