Monday 29 January 2018

When To Take Your Dog To The Vet

After you select your family pet the next step is to find a great vet. This will be the person that will help take care of your dog whenever it is sick as well as doing periodic checkups.

Of course your vet will also keep your dog current on all it's vaccinations and perform neutering and spaying at the appropriate time.

Checking for right vet

You want to find your vet now and not wait until there is a serious issue and you don't have anybody to call on. Of course you should take your new puppy or even an adult dog to the vet as soon as you get it to make sure that it is in good health.

When you go in for your first appointment you need to find out some important information. Ask your vet if he is available if your dog is sick after hours. If not where can you find the nearest and best emergency clinic for those emergencies.

If your clinic has more than one vet will you see the same person each time? That is the only way I will deal with a vet. I want a doctor who gets to know me and my dog rather than switching around.

One question you may want to ask is if they accept in pet insurance plans. For a lot of dog owner pet insurance has been a huge financial help when that emergency happens.

Vet's facilities

One thing I always look at is how well the clinic is equipped. Does it have the necessary equipment to be able to take care of my dog? Is it clean and well organized? What about the staff, are they friendly and well informed. Do you and your dog feel comfortable there?

If not this is not the place for you so go find another clinic.

Vet affinity with the breed

Is your vet comfortable and knowledgeable with your dogs breed? This is important. If you vet seems to be afraid of your dog, you will certainly want to find a vet that is familiar and comfortable with working with that breed.

How to figure out the best vet?

In order to figure out the best vet in your area, you should ask friends and family members. You may get some great suggestions from them and maybe even your local dog trainer.

If you do a little research, you will figure out the vets for you and for your dog.


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