Sunday 21 January 2018

Make The Jumping Stop

Your dog is excited. He likes people. He's happy when new people visit. And he loves to jump! Dogs are built to jump and it's something they love to do. It may seem almost impossible to get him to stop trying to jump up in the faces of your family and friends at times.

Fortunately, when it comes to bad behaviors, jumping up on people is one of the easier problems to stop. Here are some tips to help you make the jumping stop.

Why Your Dog Is Jumping

There are reasons why your pet is jumping. It's not just because he wants to get in your face. Your dog wants to be dominant over any new people who enter the house. Your pet thinks he's the alpha in the home, the leader of the pack, and he thinks he can do what he wants to do.

Naturally, this doesn't apply to every dog who jumps. In some cases a dog jumps because they want to be closer to people so they can greet them. Dogs will sniff and smell other dogs' faces as a greeting. It's not surprising they want to smell our faces.

They will also jump because they've been rewarded for jumping in the past. If you pet your dog for jumping you're giving him the message that you approve of the behavior. This is not a good way to get the jumping to stop.

Stopping The Jumping

So, how can you make the jumping stop? First, you need to stop making a fuss about returning home. If your dog gets excited and overly happy when people come in the house, your dog will show this same kind of behavior when strangers come in the home. That includes the elderly and children, and these are people who could be hurt by an overly excited dog.

Start waiting 10 to 15 minutes after you arrive home before you greet your dog. This will remove the excitement from your greeting and allow your dog to calm down. You should also put yourself down on your dog's level to give the greeting.

If your dog is jumping in order to get to your face, when you get down to your dog's level, it stops the jumping. Your dog can smell your face and there is no jumping. You can teach your dog that he only gets to greet you when you are on his level.

You can also teach your dog to respond to certain commands. Teach your do to sit and stay before greeting them. Teach your dog the "Off" command so they get off you right away.

Teaching Your Dog The "Off" Command

You can teach your dog the "Off" command if you will say, "OFF" when your dog jumps on you. Your dog may not understand what you're saying at first. This may be frustrating for you. However, if you will give your dog a reward for getting off you as soon as they do, such as a treat or praise, your dog will start to learn quickly.

You will need to be consistent with the command. Tell everyone in your home that your dog has to follow the new command. Allowing your dog to disobey the command is unacceptable. If everyone follows the same command with your dog, your dog will learn much more quickly the meaning of "OFF."

No one wants their dog to jump on people and possibly hurt someone when they visit. This is a special worry with children and the elderly who can easily be hurt if they fall. You can avoid this kind of accident by teaching your dog from an early age that jumping is unacceptable.

Your dog will learn to stop jumping even faster than you expect.


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