Saturday 6 January 2018

Kids and Canines - Safety Tips

Kids and dogs seem to naturally go together. You could say that every dog deserves a kid. But there can be dangers when children and dogs interact.

Every parent should teach their child how to act around a dog. Many children today aren't raised with pets. They may have parents who don't know much about dogs. This means that they don't know how to recognize a friendly dog from an unfriendly one. You can help children stay safe around dogs by following these sensible guidelines.

1. All children should know that it's not all right to pet a dog without an owner's permission. Don't let a child assume that every dog is friendly.

2. If a child sees a stray they should not attempt to go up to it. Dogs running loose can behave unpredictably, even one that is normally friendly.

3. Teach a child that he should not scream or run away. This makes him seem like something to chase which only frightens a child more.

4. Tell children not to stare at a dog in the eyes for long periods. A dog may feel threatened by this staring and attack.

5. If a child is given permission to pet by the owner she should close her hand and allow the dog to sniff. This keeps her fingers from being bitten.

6. Parents should teach children that they shouldn't hug dogs that belong to other people. Unfamiliar dogs can react unexpectedly to bear hugs.

7. Teach children that it is never okay to hit a dog or throw things at one.

8. Children should learn to keep their voices lowered when playing with a dog. The more excited a child gets, the more excited it will get. Playing can get out of hand.

9. Teach children to leave a dog alone when he's eating, sleeping or sick.

10. It is never all right to tease a dog.

It's important to know that dogs usually don't respect children as authority figures. A dog is not likely to obey commands given by a child. For this and other safety reasons, an adult should always be present when dogs and small children are playing together. If an accident or injury of any kind should occur, an adult can quickly step in and separate the dog and child and provide help.

When a dog and child are together it should always have a way to disengage and leave. He needs to be able to get away from the child, whether he goes to his crate, a separate room or to the backyard. Don't let him become frustrated or agitated without a way to leave.

If there are children in your neighborhood who can see or pet your dog in your yard, you should make sure that they do not tease or bother it. Many times children provoke a dog to bark or even bite. This can result in serious injury to children and the dog being euthanized.

Dogs and children can have a very special relationship but it's important to teach children how to behave and to respect them. Despite millennia of living with humans we have to remember that dogs are animals. They can bite if provoked. And children, as sweet as they can be, can also do things to annoy and aggravate a dog. Remember to supervise the interaction between children and dogs and these relationships will go much better.


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