Monday 8 January 2018

Feeding Your Dog?

There are different opinions about how often you should feed your dog. Most people agree that puppies should be fed 3-4 times per day, at least for about the first six months. As puppies get older they can be fed more like adult dogs. But, how often should you feed your adult dog? 

In the wild wolves and dogs generally eat once every 2-3 days. They may hunt and kill a large animal, such as a deer, and then feast on it. Actually, they gorge on it. Then they will lie around and sleep off their meal until they start to be hungry again. 

However, our dogs today don't generally eat according to that kind of schedule. Dogs have been living with humans for at least the last 15,000 years. They have been taking handouts from us and scavenging in our garbage piles for their food supply. Dogs today appreciate a more dependable schedule for their meals. 

Your dog's intestinal tract is not nearly as long as yours. That means that your dog can digest his food relatively quickly, depending on what you feed him. Some things will take longer to digest than others. 

Most vets recommend feeding your adult dog two meals a day. This is a good schedule for Toy dogs and other small dogs that may have their blood sugar levels become low if they don't have several small meals. It's also a good schedule for large, deep-chested breeds that can be prone to bloat (gas in the stomach which can twist the stomach and be deadly). Two small meals are generally considered better than one large meal for these dogs. 

There are, however, other options. Some people prefer to feed their dogs Free Choice -- food is available to their dogs at all times. The advantage of feeding this way is that dogs do not rush and gobble food down. Some dogs will overeat, however, but many dogs, when offered food at all times, will stop eating when they have had enough. 

If you do feed your dog regular meals you should decide how you will handle the meals. Some people use a Time-Limited feeding scheme. Food is available to your dog at each meal for a limited amount of time, say for 15 minutes. Your dog must eat his food in this time. If he doesn't then you pick the food bowl up and put it away. This is a good method to use for picky eaters since your dog learns that if he is too picky he won't get his food. Most dogs learn that they have to eat their food. 

You may also simply put your dog's food down at each meal and leave it there until your dog is finished eating, however long that may take. 

Some dogs do very well eating just one large meal per day. It will often depend on the dog and the kind of food being fed. If you have questions about how to feed your dog you should talk to your vet. Remember that the best guide to your dog's health is always his condition. If your dog is healthy and happy then you should let that be your guide


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