Wednesday 31 January 2018

Adopting A Dog - Choosing The Right Dog From A Shelter

Before adopting a dog, you should do some research as well as ask some experts like your vet and dog trainer what type of dog would be best for you and your family. You should also try to get all the information that is available on any particular dog that you are interested in including the dog's age, health history and behavior information from the previous owner.

Adopting from a shelter

In order to get a dog from a shelter, you first need to pay a visit to the shelter and find out what their requirements are for adopting a dog. While you are there take a look and see the over all cleanliness of the shelter and how the staff seems to interact with the dogs that they are caring for. You also want to see if the dogs appear to look healthy and well taken care of.

Before visiting a shelter, you should be well prepared. You should have an open mind about the dogs. You should know the size and breed of the dog that you would like to bring home. If you are a renter make sure that you have permission from your landlord before you adopt a dog.

Pick an appropriate dog

In some cases, a small dog is maybe all that you can handle especially if you are living in an apartment. You should have a budget that will allow you to care for the dog with no problem and be able to handle an emergency vet bill if that happens.

If you have children you must choose a kid-friendly dog that shows no aggression. If you have a family member who is sensitive to dog hair be sure and choose a hypoallergenic dog.

Health history

Before adopting a dog from a shelter, you should go through the dogs health and behavior history if it is available. Hopefully the dog that you choose from the shelter will live up to your expectations. It should be a dog that will work with your lifestyle. If you have a full-time job, will there be someone to look after the needs of the dog during the daytime if needed?

There will be a number of dogs at the shelter to choose from. It is usually very affordable to adopt from a shelter and the fees usually include all the current vaccinations and spay or neutering.. When compared to the price that you will pay for a dog from a breeder, the amount that you will pay the shelter is a real bargain.

Take your time, do your research and pick a dog that will be perfect for you and your family.


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