Thursday 21 March 2019

3 Important Dog Care Tips How to Take Care of Your Dog

Here are the 3 most important dog care tips which will ensure you will have a long and happy life together. 

1. Exercise Your Dog Regularly and Frequently 

Regular and varied walks are not just essential to keep your dog healthy. They also give him the chance to explore new environments and to experience new stimuli, including meeting other dogs. This will help him develop into a contented and well-adjusted dog, and avoid developing problem behavior. 

Always supervise your dog's outside walking and exercise. Remember that not everyone is as fond of dogs as you are. Not to mention that accidents can happen very easily, so keep your dog on the leash unless you are in the safe fully fenced area. 

On the other hand don't make the mistake of over-exercising your dog while he's still young, as his bones aren't yet strong enough to cope with the extra stress this puts on him. Shorter period and often is the rule until your dog grows to full strength. 

Regular walking also allows your dog to eliminate itself properly. 

Don't make the mistake of keeping your dog in a crate where it cannot even turn around not to mention stretch! 

If you have a fenced backyard one of the best solutions to take proper care of your dog is to install doggy-door so he can have an extra exercise whenever he feels like or needs to go out. It will prevent many health problems in the future. 

2. Feed the Proper Food 

A high-quality dog food is essential for a healthy dog. Always check the labels what are the ingredients. Most dry foods in North America are based on corn as their main component, which may be good for pigs or chicken, but it is Definitely Not good for dogs! Dogs are mainly meat-eaters so the majority of the food should be animal proteins based. 

Even when you find dry food where they list meat as their first ingredients, be careful and always check the overall "summary" of the components. 

Many pet food companies are using this dirty trick that they list the ingredients one by one, so it would seem that the meat is the main component, because it is listed first, but when you add it together, you will find out that the majority of the components are grain based! 

Usually, canned food is better, because it is meat based, but be aware of the above trick as well, especially with vegetables. 

Please Don't even try those idiotic "healthy vegetable diets". They 'may' be good for you, but they are definitely Not good for your carnivore. 

Of course you can always add some dry food to your dog canned food to make it more interesting. 

And always, Always make sure that your dog has an access to clean drinking water. 

3. Proper Socialization 

Socialize your dog from the first day you bring him home. Socialization means to have him introduce to your home and the members of your household. It also means to try to expose him to every possible event he may encounter in your environment, so he knows what is expected of him, and how to behave in different circumstances. 

Socialization also means a proper training of your dog. You can either take him to a local dog training school, or train him by yourself if you have a time and a proper know-how. 

Both you and your dog will be much happier if he's well trained. 

Socialization also means Affection. Dogs are social animals, so they thrive in a social environment of their "pack". They are always looking for their leader attention and try to please him. 

If you intend to get a dog and then let him strained alone in your backyard or even a garage for most of the time, then Don't get a live dog! Let the dog be part of your daily family life. 

Follow these 3 important dog care tips and you will have a happy content satisfied dog which will bring many cheerful moments to your life.


Wednesday 20 March 2019

Dog Care For Beginners

Our dogs give us time and affection like no other. It is our duty and obligation to provide for these animals with as much love and care. And since different breeds have different needs and personalities, dog care can be tough to master. Upon owning a dog, you will have to learn basic dog care. This means, as the proud owner of a canine, you now have to feed, bathe and train your pet. Here a few dog care tips you should know. 

1. Get your dog a collar and an ID tag with your name, address, and telephone number written on it. It will make identification of your dog easier and will have a higher possibility of being returned to you. 
2. Check for dog licenses in your area. If your community requires a dog license, you best get Fido one too. 

3. Have your pet visit the veterinarian for his physical check-up. Dog care is making sure your pet is in good health. If there are any concerns, the dog can be treated immediately. 
4. Dog care requires tough love. Have your pet vaccinated. 

5. Proving dog care requires a good shelter. You can build him a doghouse for when he goes outside to play and a doggie bed when he's inside the house. Dogs are very clingy creatures and crave for companionship so they may spend more time inside the house. 
6. Food in dog care is essential. A balanced diet with vitamin supplements and readily available water is essential to any dog regime. Ask your vet about the proper foods. 

7. Dog hygiene is an essential part of dog care. The eyes, ears, and teeth of your pet must be cleaned. At the first sign of abnormalities like soreness or discoloration, go to your veterinarian. 
8. Train your dogs. Dog care is not only physical. As the owner, you are responsible for your dog mentally too. Dogs need a stimulating activity to develop their skills and keep disciplined. 

9. Play with your pets. Dog care requires exercise for the pooch. Run with him, play ball or just spend your time with him. 
10. Have your dog neutered. Dog care experts say that those animals that get surgery tend to have less behavioral problems and live longer. And by getting your dog neutered, you can help reduce pet overpopulation. 
Dog care can be very demanding but it's beneficial for the owner and pet. A healthy well-being will make their time together as great as possible. Just like taking care of a child, following your dog care routine will prevent any problems in the future. More and more businesses are realizing the increasing industry of dog care. Go to your favorite store and you'll see a variety of dog care products available to dog owners. 

The latest craze to hit this industry is institutions that cater to dogs. These are hotels or restaurants that offer dog care service from their own doggie menu to daycare for dogs and even a doggie spa. 

Whether you choose a professional dog care institution to take care of your baby or just skip the extravagance and train poochie yourself, remember that your dog is another living creature that needs your love, time and attention. It may seem so tiring but it's worth it in the end.


Monday 18 March 2019

The Process of Dog Grooming

Grooming can often be grueling and shocking if the dog has not become accustomed to the treatments. It is wise to start Fido on a regular grooming regimen when he is young and maintain that throughout his life. Although finding a dependable, gentle and loving groomer is the best way to secure a happy experience, it is not always easy. All groomers are different, but most of the processes are similar. Some will offer extra services and others will just do the basics. It is best to ask what is included for the price you will pay. 


When you drop Fido at the groomer, he will likely be placed in a cage until it is his turn for a bath. He will almost always be washed in a tub and showered clean. The product your groomer uses is important, since there are so many on the market. It is good to research products your groomer uses and to be concerned about soap getting in the eyes, ears and nose. 


After the bath, the dog is either placed in a drying cage or is hand dried with a powerful blow drier. These driers are designed to lift the fur for easier shaving and to remove matting. They are generally the main cause of anxiety in dogs during the grooming process because they are very noisy and feel strange blowing out the fur. Holding the dog securely and safely is the best way to get him used to the noise and excitement of the drier. This will take several visits and becomes less stressful and more normal with time. 


Once the dog is dry, he will either be shaved or brushed. Brushing will remove any matting and distribute oils through the fur. This also takes some getting used to and should be done between visits to the groomer 


Shaving your dog is harmless unless the dog is afraid of the clipper and tends to jump or wiggle excessively. The clippers can cut the fine skin of the dog and is another reason your dog should have regular visits to avoid building anxiety and fear of the process. Accidents are inevitable and staying calm will keep your dog calm as well. 


Most dogs don't enjoy having the toenails clipped, but it is necessary for the health of your dog. If he goes too long without having his nails trimmed, it can cause serious problem with his pads and ability to walk. Overgrown nails can curl around and grow back into the pad causing crippling and excruciating pain which could lead to a surgical procedure to remove them. Dogs who tend to dig and run often are more likely to wear their nails down naturally and may not need to be trimmed often. On average, an indoor dog needs the nails done every 6 to 8 weeks. 


Ear disorders keep veterinarians very busy. It is a common malady in all breeds. Proper ear care is essential in good health and takes little time and effort. Ask your groomer if this is part of the regular regimen.


Saturday 16 March 2019

Pet Vitamins - Why Pet Vitamins and Minerals Are Important in Your Dog's Diet

You have probably all heard and read a lot of different information about health and nutrition for your dog. Commercial dog food companies realize that we want a nutritionally balanced, high-quality food for our pets. After much study, we now have a better understanding of various ingredients that are beneficial and how these ingredients impact our dog's health. It has also been found that a high-quality pet vitamin can be helpful in maintaining optimal health in dogs.

Certain minerals are crucial for things like the functioning of muscles and nerves, transporting oxygen in the blood, and formation of bone and cartilage. The two minerals required in the highest amount are Calcium and Phosphorous. These minerals work together in the body to grow and maintain the skeletal system. The important thing is the ratio of calcium and phosphorous to provide the best nutrition. Magnesium also works with calcium and phosphorous as well as Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and potassium. Magnesium aids the body in absorbing the other vitamins and minerals. Potassium helps maintain the level of fluid and is also needed for enzymes, muscles, and nerves.

Some other important things you should look for in a pet vitamin-mineral supplement include, copper, iodine, zinc, selenium, manganese and iron. Although these minerals are required in lesser amounts, they are equally important.

Copper works as an antioxidant, as well as forming red blood cells and aiding in the development of collagen and connective tissue. Iodine is needed for the functioning of the thyroid gland and production of thyroid hormone. the thyroid gland regulates growth and metabolism. Iron and copper together produce hemoglobin, which carries oxygen in the blood. Selenium is an antioxidant and zinc is beneficial for skin and coat.

For older dogs, a pet vitamin containing the supplements glucosamine and chondroitin can be extremely helpful in dealing with arthritis. These nutrients support joints and decrease damage to joint cartilage and are completely safe for your dog.

Liquid Multi-Vitamins for Dogs

A high quality, all natural pet vitamin contains some other ingredients that provide health benefits for your dog. Some of these ingredients are not as familiar but are helpful in keeping your dog as healthy as possible. Ingredients like kelp, seaweed, algae and brewers yeast are known as prebiotic and probiotic supplements. They provide natural sources of antioxidants and vitamins, and aid in digestion and absorption of nutrients. 

Gillick K9 Products
Liquid Dog Vitamins

Our pets are living a longer, better quality of life than ever before. Now that we understand the importance of good nutrition, we can provide our beloved pets with the best quality food and pet vitamins available.


Tuesday 12 March 2019

Hard Time Training Your Pooch? Try These Expert Tips!

Many dogs like to dig, but you can stop this behavior if you know the proper way to train your dog. Like most dogs, they get bored easily from their daily routine and can often turn to unacceptable behavior such as digging. This article contains a number of tips on how to prevent your dog from digging that will keep you happy and your dog from tearing up your yard.

All dogs need daily exercise and it can be an important part of your training efforts. Daily exercise shows your dog that he is a member of the family, as well as letting him know you are a strong leader. Exercise encourages his confidence and provides you with wonderful bonding opportunities.

Put yourself in the dog's situation. As advanced creatures, we humans have problems accepting when our dogs aren't picking up new skills as fast as we'd like. Looking at the problem from your dog's perspective can help. Your dog might not be making the connection between the order and the behavior you expect from them because you have not repeated the exercise enough times.

Young puppies are prone to chewing on their owner's belongings. You can address this problem by immediately stopping your puppy if he chews an inappropriate item. You should then, instead, give him the toys that he is allowed to chew. Praise your dog anytime you finding him chewing a permitted toy. Remaining consistent with this training method can save your favorite furniture or pair of shoes.

Just as reinforcement of good behavior when training a dog should be immediate, so too should punishment for bad behavior be immediate. Saying "no" in a harsh voice tells the dog he has acted inappropriately but he only connects the message with the targeted behavior if that message is delivered immediately after that act.

When formally training your dog to complete specific skills like sitting or shaking hands on command, work with them in short slots of time interspersed throughout the day. Just as humans can grow bored or even angry when being required to complete one monotonous action after another, so can dogs.

When giving commands to your dog, do not repeat the command over and over before getting a response. By giving the command one time and waiting for the dog to respond, you will teach him that you are expectant of a behavior. If the command is not obeyed at first, show your pet what you expect before saying the command again.

Feed your dog consistent amounts at approximately the same time every day. This is particularly important during the house training phase of pet ownership. This allows the dog to establish a regular elimination pattern and the discerning owner can use that pattern to their advantage in speedily training their pet.

Training sessions for your dog should be fun and stress-free. Your dog will learn better, and you will be able to teach better in a positive environment. Use your training session as a bonding time with your dog and have fun. This will help you and your dog have a life-long relationship.

There are many different ways to train a dog. Just like all humans learn differently, all dogs learn differently. You should research some different training styles and see which ones work best for your specific dog. When in doubt, contact a professional and get their opinion or seek professional training services.

Dog digging is a problem that can be corrected when you understanding the proper training methods. Once you get an understanding of why your dog is digging, then controlling this behavior isn't quite so difficult. Apply the advice from this article, and you'll have a yard that is free of holes.


Monday 11 March 2019

Adopt An Older Dog Instead Of A Puppy

Pets and humans are living longer nowadays. In the past fifty years, the life span of a dog has nearly doubled. By the time a dog and his family celebrate his first birthday, life expectancy will reach about 14 years, depending on the breed.

Dogs that are no longer puppies are the perfect choice for someone who never had a dog in the past and also a perfect source of love, attention and distraction for family 
who have lost a pet. Mature, healthy dogs are extremely tolerant with the young, whether they are human or canine. Older dogs can adapt faster to a new home, and as a matter of fact, people who adapt a dog coming from a rescue organization are very grateful for the peaceful transition.

Adopting an older dog can be a wise move for a family friendly pet.

One of the benefits in adopting an older dog is there are few surprises. They are fully grown, their colors and coat are not going to change. They are not likely but still can be chasers, chewers, foragers or howlers. You can acquire this information from the person they came from and prepare accordingly.

Depending on the breed, dogs are considered old after a few years. But this does not mean that they are not vital able-bodied companions.

An old dog can learn new tricks. If you have a plan on adopting an older dog consider attending dog obedience classes or ask a trainer. You will find out that classes are full of pets that are older and more willing to learn. Adult dogs are often the most wanting, the most attentive because they always want to please their new owners.

Pet parents and animal lovers take better care of their pets from the moment they are born or are adopted. Through increased knowledge, improved pet care products and advanced medical technology, we are able to enjoy our pets even longer than ever before. Do not be afraid of the challenges attached to bonding with a new pet, no matter how old or young they may be.

The reason for not choosing to adopt an older dog may be the expensive medical expenses. The sad truth is, age is not a safe predictor to determine medical costs relating to dog ownership. Dog expenses often come because of accidents, ingesting toxins or poisons or random incidents that sometimes associate to the age of the dog.

Just like humans, the majority of colds, virus and illness happen in early life. But it doesn't mean that older dogs have no health-related expenses. But if you are a good pet parent, you will find that your dog will provide a capable and loving companion for many, many years.

They need less patience, they are loyal, faithful and can easily adapt to their forever homes.


Sunday 10 March 2019

3 Tips To Be A Good Pack Leader

Why is it IMPORTANT to make yourself the Pack Leader in dog training?

Do you find that your dogs have behavioral issues, like barking at other dogs and biting your stuff? In these cases, it is most probably your dog thought that he is the pack leader, or maybe he is just confused about it.

But talking about dogs' nature (they are pack animals!), once you (the master) show the leadership, actually the dog is more than happy to be a follower!

Here I would like to share some tips to develop yourself to be the Pack Leader!

Tip #1: Take full control of his feeding arrangements

Your dog is not allowed to eat until you release. Be strict and eventually he will understand that: If I don't follow, I won't have food! Knowing that food is always the "ULTIMATE" goal for every dog, if you are able to show them that you are in control of their food, there is no way they cannot be listening to you. Bear in mind that you should control not only when to release food, but also where to feed them and you will feed them when they are behaving well!

Tip #2: Stay assertive during dog training

Take note that assertive is different from aggressive. Talk to your dog in gentle, but firm tone. Don't speak in cute way or in anger. If you know that your dog ignores you purposefully, stop first and come back later. Do not shout at your dog. Most of the time, shouting is useless but only hurting yourself. They can actually feel our love towards them. Likewise, they can feel also if we would allow them to do whatever they like. Dog training... is a matter of training them about discipline too!

Tip #3: Know your pack

We all love our dogs, aren't we? Understand and love them. Only when you know your pack and what fulfills them, then only balance is created. From there, we can formulate the dog training plan more effectively. It is like working in a team in our workplace. You got to understand everybody's personality before you can actually mix well with them. Balance the pack with your knowledge in dog training!

This is the fundamental and SUPER ESSENTIAL for dog training. Many people would say that dog training is difficult. But believe me, the key is at the - be the PACK LEADER!


Why Hire a Dog Walker?

You might be thinking, "My dog has the whole back yard to play around in, I don't need a dog walker." Well, the back yard may entertain your dog for a short while but, that is not what our furry friends were born to do. Dogs were born to work! Each and every dog has special qualities about them based on their breed and what they were bred to do. Some were bred to herd livestock, hunt or protect.

Dogs like humans, are social animals and need daily exercise and stimulation. Since I have become a dog walker and owner of my own dog walking and pet sitting business, I have seen how the lack of daily exercise and stimulation has adversely affected our furry best friends. Yesterday, I took our dog Addison, who is a 7 year old labradoodle, to the vet for a checkup and saw a great example of a dog that could greatly benefit from a dog walker.

I was sitting in the waiting area at the vet clinic while listening to the vet tech telling an older couple about their dachshund that it had gained weight. Now, dachshunds have small little legs and excess weight for this type of breed is extremely hard on them. The vet tech then proceeded to tell them that their dog weighed 26 pounds. They both looked at one another and blamed each other for not exercising the dog and feeding the dog chicken and other scraps from the dinner table. Just looking at this little dog broke my heart because its stomach was almost dragging on the floor and it was panting.

This was an extreme example of how lack of exercise, over-feeding, and lack of mental stimulation can lead to your dog being bored and over-weight. Being a dog owner and dog walker myself, I realize the huge responsibility of keeping a dog healthy and happy.

All of us live very busy lives and usually mean well but, if you work long hours or can not give your dog the attention he deserves then, it is wise to look into a professional, bonded & insured dog walking company in your area. A lot of companies offering dog walking services give discounts if you have your dog walked 4 or more times a week. You just have to call and discuss your situation to see if they can suit your needs.


Friday 8 March 2019

Puppy Boot Camp Benefits Both Pets and Humans

Puppy boot camp is one of the most innovative approaches available today for getting your new pet started out on the right foot. Puppies are not exactly known for following the rules, and that's why puppy boot camp is a necessity for anyone who has a new dog. If you are tired of your dog ignoring your commands and constantly getting into trouble, it's time to fix that with training from an expert. Find out what you can expect when you send your dog to this type of intensive training.

General Obedience Training

All dogs need to know how to behave at home and in public. That's why most puppy schools teach dogs how to follow the rules anywhere they go. At camp, your pup will learn how to walk on a leash next to you, rather than trying to lead you during walks. It will learn how to sit, stay and come to you on command. The trainers will cover how to prevent your dog from jumping on people, begging and couch surfing, all of which rest firmly in the "don't" column. Most camps also teach dogs to go into their kennels on command and to view them as a welcome place of security and refuge. The obedience training aspect of puppy camp will ensure that you have a well-behaved dog for life.

Learning to Interact with Others, both Two- and Four-Legged

Socialization is another important skill for puppies to learn. At puppy camp, your pooch will learn how to play nicely with other dogs, as a part of the canine pack mentality. This is important if you have another dog in the house or plan to get one eventually, but it's even more critical for those times when your puppy encounters another dog in public. Of course, boot camps also teach dogs how to interact properly with humans, which is an essential skill for your puppy to have if you want to enjoy having visitors over.

Correcting Behavior Problems

If you have specific behavior concerns, be sure to let the camp director know. Some camps will customize lessons for individual dogs, or at least touch on some of the most common problems. For example, if your dog has a habit of barking continuously or nipping people, puppy school can correct these developing situations. You can rest assured that your puppy is not the only camper with such issues either, so the trainers know exactly how to handle it. Even issues of separation anxiety are easily handled in the puppy camp environment.

Naturally, every puppy camp is different, based on the trainer's own unique approach. Many are willing to tailor their lessons to the specific dog, while others only teach the basics. Either way, after attending puppy school, your dog will be easier to handle on a daily basis and a treat to be around. If you have a new puppy in the house, do your family and your pup a big favor and check your local area for a professional dog trainer who offers puppy boot camp.


Thursday 7 March 2019

Free Dogs

Are you looking for a new friend to snuggle with? Adopt your new friend today for free! Dogs are the most loyal animal in the world. By adopting a dog for free, you will be giving your new pet a new and safe forever home. Why pay hundreds of dollars for your new best friend when you can get it for free?!

The top 10 most popular dog breeds include the Labrador Retriever, German Shepherd, Golden Retriever, French Bull Dog, Poodle, Yorkshire Terrier, Beagle, Boxer, and Rottweiler.

If you are looking for a small dog, the Yorkshire Terrier is amongst the smallest dogs, but Chihuahuas, Pugs, Shih Tzu, Pomeranians, Poodles, and Beagles are, also, small. If you are looking for a big dog, the English Mastiff is the largest dog, but Siberian Huskies, Saint Bernards, Rottweilers, Golden Retrievers, German Shepherds, and Labrador Retrievers are, also, big. There are
different variations to all dog breeds, for instance, there are teacup dogs that are smaller than the average size of that particular breed.

It is important that you train your new friend to use the bathroom outside or on a puppy pad. Or else you will have a stinky house or apartment. You will need patience while training your dog, but some breeds are easier to train than others. Larger dogs tend to have more energy than smaller ones. Generally, the energy level increases as the size of the dog increases. You can get energy out of your dog by playing fetch, going for a walk, and getting toys for your dog. Smaller dogs often get cold easily, so if you want a small one, get a sweater for it during the Winter. Dogs with long coats need to be brushed about once a week to ensure their coats do not get damaged or mat. If you think you cannot have a dog because you have allergies, you are wrong. Hypoallergenic dog breeds include the Poodle, Maltese, Schnauzer, and Shih Tzu.

These breeds do not shed as much or at all, so they are safe for people with allergies. You, also, need to take your pet to the veterinarian to get checks up every now and then to catch medical conditions early. If you want your dog to go outdoors, make sure you get it spayed or neutered so your dog does not come home pregnant or get an abandoned dog pregnant. They are very intelligent. They can easily tell if a human is upset and usually will snuggle up to the human to make sure he or she is okay. Even if you are not upset, your new friend might try to sit on your lap or cuddle with you in bed. It depends on the breed of dog and the individual personality of them.

Each breed has its own traits, so before getting your free pet do your research to make sure your home and lifestyle can handle that type of breed! If you can open up your heart and home, you can have a free dog.
