Friday 8 March 2019

Puppy Boot Camp Benefits Both Pets and Humans

Puppy boot camp is one of the most innovative approaches available today for getting your new pet started out on the right foot. Puppies are not exactly known for following the rules, and that's why puppy boot camp is a necessity for anyone who has a new dog. If you are tired of your dog ignoring your commands and constantly getting into trouble, it's time to fix that with training from an expert. Find out what you can expect when you send your dog to this type of intensive training.

General Obedience Training

All dogs need to know how to behave at home and in public. That's why most puppy schools teach dogs how to follow the rules anywhere they go. At camp, your pup will learn how to walk on a leash next to you, rather than trying to lead you during walks. It will learn how to sit, stay and come to you on command. The trainers will cover how to prevent your dog from jumping on people, begging and couch surfing, all of which rest firmly in the "don't" column. Most camps also teach dogs to go into their kennels on command and to view them as a welcome place of security and refuge. The obedience training aspect of puppy camp will ensure that you have a well-behaved dog for life.

Learning to Interact with Others, both Two- and Four-Legged

Socialization is another important skill for puppies to learn. At puppy camp, your pooch will learn how to play nicely with other dogs, as a part of the canine pack mentality. This is important if you have another dog in the house or plan to get one eventually, but it's even more critical for those times when your puppy encounters another dog in public. Of course, boot camps also teach dogs how to interact properly with humans, which is an essential skill for your puppy to have if you want to enjoy having visitors over.

Correcting Behavior Problems

If you have specific behavior concerns, be sure to let the camp director know. Some camps will customize lessons for individual dogs, or at least touch on some of the most common problems. For example, if your dog has a habit of barking continuously or nipping people, puppy school can correct these developing situations. You can rest assured that your puppy is not the only camper with such issues either, so the trainers know exactly how to handle it. Even issues of separation anxiety are easily handled in the puppy camp environment.

Naturally, every puppy camp is different, based on the trainer's own unique approach. Many are willing to tailor their lessons to the specific dog, while others only teach the basics. Either way, after attending puppy school, your dog will be easier to handle on a daily basis and a treat to be around. If you have a new puppy in the house, do your family and your pup a big favor and check your local area for a professional dog trainer who offers puppy boot camp.


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