Tuesday 12 March 2019

Hard Time Training Your Pooch? Try These Expert Tips!

Many dogs like to dig, but you can stop this behavior if you know the proper way to train your dog. Like most dogs, they get bored easily from their daily routine and can often turn to unacceptable behavior such as digging. This article contains a number of tips on how to prevent your dog from digging that will keep you happy and your dog from tearing up your yard.

All dogs need daily exercise and it can be an important part of your training efforts. Daily exercise shows your dog that he is a member of the family, as well as letting him know you are a strong leader. Exercise encourages his confidence and provides you with wonderful bonding opportunities.

Put yourself in the dog's situation. As advanced creatures, we humans have problems accepting when our dogs aren't picking up new skills as fast as we'd like. Looking at the problem from your dog's perspective can help. Your dog might not be making the connection between the order and the behavior you expect from them because you have not repeated the exercise enough times.

Young puppies are prone to chewing on their owner's belongings. You can address this problem by immediately stopping your puppy if he chews an inappropriate item. You should then, instead, give him the toys that he is allowed to chew. Praise your dog anytime you finding him chewing a permitted toy. Remaining consistent with this training method can save your favorite furniture or pair of shoes.

Just as reinforcement of good behavior when training a dog should be immediate, so too should punishment for bad behavior be immediate. Saying "no" in a harsh voice tells the dog he has acted inappropriately but he only connects the message with the targeted behavior if that message is delivered immediately after that act.

When formally training your dog to complete specific skills like sitting or shaking hands on command, work with them in short slots of time interspersed throughout the day. Just as humans can grow bored or even angry when being required to complete one monotonous action after another, so can dogs.

When giving commands to your dog, do not repeat the command over and over before getting a response. By giving the command one time and waiting for the dog to respond, you will teach him that you are expectant of a behavior. If the command is not obeyed at first, show your pet what you expect before saying the command again.

Feed your dog consistent amounts at approximately the same time every day. This is particularly important during the house training phase of pet ownership. This allows the dog to establish a regular elimination pattern and the discerning owner can use that pattern to their advantage in speedily training their pet.

Training sessions for your dog should be fun and stress-free. Your dog will learn better, and you will be able to teach better in a positive environment. Use your training session as a bonding time with your dog and have fun. This will help you and your dog have a life-long relationship.

There are many different ways to train a dog. Just like all humans learn differently, all dogs learn differently. You should research some different training styles and see which ones work best for your specific dog. When in doubt, contact a professional and get their opinion or seek professional training services.

Dog digging is a problem that can be corrected when you understanding the proper training methods. Once you get an understanding of why your dog is digging, then controlling this behavior isn't quite so difficult. Apply the advice from this article, and you'll have a yard that is free of holes.


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