Monday 5 November 2018

Dog Teeth Dental Care Tips - How A Dog Toothbrush, If Used Right, Can Help You Avoid Costly Vet Fees

Dog Teeth: It's hard to listen to dog owners who brag about the amount of money their dog cost them to buy, and how, he or she was worth every penny because they're so loyal and faithful. Well, this goes both ways. You need to be loyal to your pooch also. Every dog has its own value that's why we have them as pets, so forget money because it makes your dog no better than the mongrel next door.

Dogs need attention in lots of ways, and a walk in the park or pat on the back for being a good dog is not enough. Pet dogs need monitoring regularly by their owners so they stay healthy and strong. To protect a dog's teeth and gums you have to be on top of this. Just as the same goes for a dog's nails, eyes, ears, paws, coat and other.

Conditions such as a toothache, mouth infection, eye irritation, gut disorders even nail fungus is common problems for a dog, and, something that can be spotted early if a dog is given the once over every so often. The earlier something is detected will save the dog from unnecessary stress, and save your pocket too from high vet fees. Dental care treatment can prove expensive, so much so, some people ask their bank manager for a loan. Avoid this happening to you by looking after your dog's teeth and gums. Regardless of shape or size do a regular maintenance check on your dog. Look for mouth ulcers, red gums and decayed molars.

Dog Dental Care Tips:

1. Best time to start cleaning the teeth is when they're a pup. The earlier they're introduced to the toothbrush the better they become at accepting it.

2. It's a new experience for the small dog, so allow the pup to familiarize him or herself with the situation.

3. Don't rush the process and be patient. Puppies are playful but persevere till the job is done. You might have to be firm and coax the pup sometimes but stick with it.

4. Use toothpaste developed specially for puppies. Use their toothbrush and no one else's. Cover the bristles of the brush with toothpaste. Gently pull open the puppy's lip with one hand while holding their muzzle with the other. Again using gentle strokes, brush along the gum line but not with force, but with enough power to get the job done, working from the back of the mouth to the front.


· Canine teeth like humans also suffer from plaque. Keep a supply of chew toys for the puppy to nibble as this will help scrape off excess plaque.

· Some oral complications can kill a dog. Infection caused by a rotten tooth can spread to body organs such as the liver.

· There is no difference between human Gingivitis and dog Gingivitis as it amounts to the same thing, pain and possible disease? Untreated Gingivitis can bring periodontal disease, which is irreversible. Periodontal disease is a series of changes associated with inflammation and the loss of the deep supporting structures of teeth.

· Remember to smell your dog's breath. If a dog develops bad breath it could be a sign of an underlying condition. Diet too can cause a smelly breath. Keep a record of what the dog eats and remove culprit foods from its diet.

· Difficult to chew or swallow foods mince up, as these can build up in their mouth

· Sugary foods take extra care with

Look after your dog's teeth because after all, he is man's best friend.


1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing this. To get more tips you may visit the exotic animal veterinarian near you.
