Monday 26 November 2018

Top Three Factors Why Your DOG Needs A Dog Trainer

A lot of pet owners struggle to house train their dogs due to lack of dog trainers. It is certainly true that a dog trainer is a lifeblood for training any fussy furry pal having behavioral issues. He is a wonderful resource to help pet behave in the right manner and develop techniques to help them overcome their aggressive nature or teach them good habits. Though it takes much time and at times pet may ignore the commands, your pet can benefit hugely from obedience training.

Not Listening to Owners

Not all breeds are easier to train. Some are easier, whereas some are tough shells to break. However, all canines can be trained to fall into the league to follow simple commands. Pet owners get frustrated when they command their pooch to sit and the furry pal just barks back or run away from them. If you have to shout or nag or repeatedly give them the command before they listen to you, it straightly means that they lack respect towards you. Some pet owners may be wondering that their pets obey them most of the time, but still do they need a dog trainer. If your pet doesn't give a heed to simple commands at the very first time, it is likely that opting a dog professional would be really beneficial.

Though, your furry pal listens to you, it is good to hire a dog trainer to improve the ability of your dog to always obey your commands and behave in the shell even in the presence of others.


Barking is a natural instinct of canines. This is the way of their communication through which they express their emotions and feelings such as pain, anger, fear, and excitement, to the human world. Nevertheless, this becomes abnormal when a dog's barking becomes excessive. For example, even if for a small thing like a moving car, a passerby, a pet cat, a little sound from TV or a presence of a guest, your pooch barks it seems wrong.

Excessive barking may be related to behavioral issues pertaining to separation anxiety, stress, attention seeking, barking out of boredom or loneliness. A professional dog trainer can very well understand the underlying issue of your pooch and can help in to assess out the right theory in order to correct his behavior and carries on a few techniques to help your pooch wad out of this problem.


Normally, dogs like to lick to show their feelings of love and attachment with their owner. Canines are social and playful creatures. At times, Fido may start licking aggressively on his owner's face or hand, and they may even lick to the strangers or the guests in the house. Owners may take it wrongly thinking that their dog is really lovable and is affectionate towards everybody, even those coming to the front door.

However, you need to understand that this pet behavior is not likely to be appreciated or liked by outsiders especially small kids and old people. And, if you have a large breed dog, then there is every possibility that your dog with his huge body and powerful stamina can overpower the person. A qualified dog trainer knowing rightly to handle such dogs can help your furry pal to control his excitement a little bit, and under training he can learn to greet people without licking.

A dog trainer is really helpful if you think you need to house-train your pooch or in case if he is facing some particular behavioral issue.

We love our four-legged companions but training can help them to mingle in human society very smoothly without any complaint from the outsiders or neighbors.


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