Friday 30 November 2018

How To Train A Dog: Doing It The Right Way

Dogs are classified by most people as man's best friend; since they are loyal, sociable and very affectionate animals that adapt to any environment. Many owners aren't sure on how to train a dog, but it's always an easy process if done correctly.

Here are some tips on how to train a dog:

Some coaches and specialists argue that dogs are easier to train when they are puppies - six to seven weeks of age. However, others say that they can be trained when they're much smaller. An important thing to note is that habits that your dog learns at this age are difficult to overcome at a later stage if need be. It's okay to start around 3 months of age.

It is necessary to show the animal that you're the boss constantly through a basic training so that the dog respects you as an owner and follows your instructions.

The first thing that you ought to teach your puppy is to recognize your name and some basic exercises such as sitting, coming to your side when called for and as well as the word, "No", to dissuade your dog when it is doing something improper.

Be sure to teach your puppy to relieve himself in an appropriate place - in the litter box or in the toilet, this would take care of your dog's overall hygiene without much effort, to start with.

The best way to train a puppy is using a popular conduct adjustment procedure called discipline and compensate. However, it is usually best to reward his good deeds, rather than to scold or punish. Some people resort to the scolding and punishment to train their animals. Although it is not the best way to carry out the training process like this regularly, sometimes it can be quite effective. But make sure that you never hurt your dog.

Preventive training teaches your dog what not to do in a very simple way: by not letting it happen in the first place! The idea is simple: avoid leaving your dog alone when it can get into trouble.

Some dogs are known to nibble. Threads, garlands, ribbons and other chewable items are attractive to a playful dog but can cause internal damage if ingested. If you cannot supervise your puppy, make sure that it is in a secure area. Buy some chewable toys that are suitable as a special surprise during festivities.


All sorts of training processes may take some time, as it depends on the character of the animal, but in the end, it is worthwhile having a trained and an obedient dog. The best advice is to have patience and be consistent in what you do.


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