Thursday 22 November 2018

Group Classes Or Private Training: Which One Is Best for Dogs?

Every dog owner wants to ensure that his furry pal gets adequate training to become well-behaved and civilized. But the one confusion that always remains in their mind is whether group classes or private training is best for their furry pal. There are certain owners who are lucky to adopt a friendly dog that does not require much instruction beyond the basics. But not all dog owners have that luxury.

Earlier there was a general perception that group classes are the best to train dogs but with time it has been accepted that private training is also a lucrative option to train your furry pal. So which option is the best for your buddy? Let us try to find out the answer to this question by looking at some of the questions and answers posted below:

Is Your Doggy Shy Or Outgoing?

Irrespective of whether your doggy is shy or outgoing, a group class is the best opportunity for him to get along with other people and dogs in a safe space. Dogs usually do not interact with each other until and unless it is a puppy socialization class. During such classes, shy dogs get the chance to be with other people or dogs without worrying about them trespassing his personal space.

If your furry pal is outgoing, he can practice being around people and other dogs without much interaction which would assist in self-control. That being said, if your furry pal is so shy that he cowers behind you, does not take treats, or hides under your chair even after weeks of group classes, then private training would be the best option for him.

How Much Is Your Budget?

If you are looking to save bucks then group training is the best option as there will be around 6 to 8 people-dog pairs in a class, and the cost lowers with the addition of each participant. If you are going to a bigger group training class of six weeks, it might cost you around $120 which means you need to pay $20 per class. While private training would cost you $ 50 to more than $100 per session.

How Flexible Is Your Schedule?

Remember in group classes you need to take your pooch on preset days and time as per the availability of the trainer. If you can adjust to their schedule, it is great. But if you cannot, then private sessions are the best workaround as it provides flexibility to you.

What Do You Want to Teach Your Furry Pal?

If you want to teach the basics or agile skills to your dog, then group classes are the best option. But if you have already imparted the basic training to your tyke and are facing a tough time teaching him loose-leash walking or make him learn recall command then private sessions is the best option. The reason being private sessions can be customized according to the skills to be taught to the dog.

Does Your Pooch Have Any Special Issues?

Group classes are attended to impart general training to the dog. But if your tyke is suffering from separation anxiety, resource building, aggression, etc. then a private session would work out to be the best. Remember, in a group setting it is very difficult for a trainer to look after any advanced issue in the pet.

Always take the guidance of a dog trainer before selecting any of the two options as he knows what is best for your pooch.


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