Friday 7 September 2018

Are Pugs a Good Choice For Families With Small Children?

No family feels complete without a dog, but what do your children need to know to make certain that having a Pug, will be the best pet for your family? Children need to learn to make sure the dog has plenty of food and fresh water on a daily basis, receives adequate exercise, gets let outside at regular intervals, is treated kindly and does not have access to things they can chew up and ingest. This article is going to explain in detail how your children can learn to mix well with a Pug.

Water and Food:

Every dog needs access to fresh food and water on a daily basis, once your child has learned this, they can help take care of the family pet. Teaching children that a dog needs the right nutrition to grow big and strong, is a great way to teach them the importance of the dogs diet. This talk can be brought up when you are explaining why its important for children to eat their vegetables.

Getting Enough Exercise:

Another factor in keeping your Pug happy and healthy is to make sure he or she gets enough exercise. A dog needs to have regular exercise to help them stay fit and maintain a healthy lifestyle. A game of fetch with a ball or Frisbee is a classic and a good way to get those little feet moving. Explain to your children that just like a human being, mans best friend needs to stay in shape too.

Outside Breaks:

This is a big part of the responsibility of owning a dog and will not go unnoticed if a someone lets it slide. Explain to children that it is important the dog is let outside to go to the bathroom and it will help them gain a sense of responsibility. A child will come to notice that some things have to be done consistently, and cannot be put off while picking up another skill that will assist them in becoming more independent when it comes to taking care of the family dog.

Playing Nicely:

You need to be extremely gentle with your pets because you do not have any idea how the dog is going to respond, especially a new environment. You should talk to your children about playing nicely and then illustrate this behavior to them. Children are natural mimics and once you show them how you treat a Pug, they will learn how to be gentle from you.

Chewy Dog Toys:

This is a great chance for children to learn about picking up their toys. Pugs cannot always tell the difference between a new chew toy and a child's toy. An honest and frank talk with the children about what can happen when they leave their toys laying around might help you keep the house a bit more tidy, if only because the children do not want the dog chewing up their favorite toys.

The sooner a child learns about the responsibility that comes along with owning a dog, the better the situation will be. They must learn to feed the dog and give it water every day, take the dog for a walk, let it outside regularly, give it adequate attention and provide it with access to toys that are safe to chew on. Teaching children all about these responsibilities will allow them to learn a lot from owning a Pug.


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