Thursday 13 September 2018

5 Dog Breeds That Are Easy To Train

A well-trained dog has plenty of benefits. Having a pet that knows how to fetch, play dead or roll over can also be quite entertaining. However, training canines requires time, effort and patience. There are breeds that are more stubborn and hard to train compared to others, so if you don't have a lot of time in your hands, consider these 5 dog breeds that are easier to teach commands and tricks.

German Shepherd

Known to be highly obedient, intelligent and courageous, German Shepherds are one of the world's most popular dog breeds. They are considered to be capable working dogs that's why it's no surprise that their breed is regularly used in drug enforcement, military, police force, protection services and more. But behind their tough and strong looking exterior, German Shepherds are also lovable and loyal companions.

Golden Retriever
Golden retrievers are one of the friendliest dog breeds out there. They are proven to be kind, reliable and intelligent dogs on top of being goofy! They are an ideal pet for families with children because they are also loving and loyal on top of everything else. Golden retrievers love to please their owners which makes them easier to train. That's the reason their breed is often used as service dogs and a favorite in hospitals and retirement homes.

Border Collie

A Border Collie's alert and responsive attitude is what makes them easy to teach. Highly energetic, they love to be given tasks and complete them to please their owners. With a Border Collie, you won't have any problems teaching commands and tricks because they live to work and is considered to be one of the easiest dog breeds to train.


Highly trainable and instinctive, the standard Poodle is more than just a cute and cuddly pet. Some even say that they may be the most intelligent of all dog breeds. Apart from being smart, Poodles also love to work for their owners. With that combination, it's no wonder why so many of their breed are visible at dog shows.

Labrador Retriever

Also often used as a service animal, Labrador Retrievers are not only agile and intelligent, but they are also gentle, trusting and even-tempered. Add that to their willingness to please and you'll have a well-trained pet in no time!

Consider these 5 dog breeds that are easy to train when you're looking to buy or adopt a pet!


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