Saturday 22 September 2018

The Benefits of Plastic and Wire Mesh Dog Crates

As a dog owner, you should be aware of how handy a dog crate can be. Not only can it serve as a refuge for your dog at home, it's also essential for transporting your canine in the car. Both plastic and wire mesh designs will get the job done. Here is a look at some of the benefits and drawbacks of each design.


One of the primary benefits of owning a dog crate is that it makes transport much easier. Plastic designs typically weigh less, so you'll have an easier time lugging it around. You need to pay particular attention to weight when buying a wire mesh dog crate since larger ones can be quite heavy.
This disadvantage is negated slightly by the fact that wire mesh crates can be collapsible for easier storage. When traveling, you likely won't be able to take a wire mesh design on an airplane. Plastic designs are usually approved for airline travel however.

It is always important to keep your dog crate clean. This is especially true if you have one made from plastic. Plastic is a porous material, so the crate can easily harbor odors if it isn't kept clean. Wire designs usually offer easier maintenance. Especially since the floor of these crates isn't solid which is useful when puppies have accidents.


Dogs don't typically like being shut off from the outside world. When traveling in a crate, they want to be able to see out of it. Plastic units offer less visibility thanks to the fact that there are fewer openings. This may prompt your dog to whine and cry because he's feeling lonely.


As mentioned, there are fewer openings in plastic dog crates. This means that wire mesh designs will offer more ventilation. Adequate ventilation is especially important in humid and warm climates since the increased airflow will help keep your dog from becoming overheated.


More openings is useful during the summer months. However, the opposite is true when it's colder outside. Plastic dog crates will allow your dog to maintain his body heat better since they offer more insulation. This is particularly important if your dog has shorter hair or is younger.

There is no particular style that's best. It all depends on your particular needs for you and your dog. Just keep some of these benefits and drawbacks of plastic and wire mesh dog crates in mind.


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