Thursday 20 September 2018

Pet Vitamins - Why Pet Vitamins and Minerals Are Important in Your Dog's Diet

You have probably all heard and read a lot of different information about health and nutrition for your dog. Commercial dog food companies realize that we want a nutritionally balanced, high-quality food for our pets. After much study, we now have a better understanding of various ingredients that are beneficial and how these ingredients impact our dog's health. It has also been found that a high-quality pet vitamin can be helpful in maintaining optimal health in dogs.

Certain minerals are crucial for things like the functioning of muscles and nerves, transporting oxygen in the blood, and formation of bone and cartilage. The two minerals required in the highest amount are Calcium and Phosphorous. These minerals work together in the body to grow and maintain the skeletal system. The important thing is the ratio of calcium and phosphorous to provide the best nutrition. Magnesium also works with calcium and phosphorous as well as Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and potassium. Magnesium aids the body in absorbing the other vitamins and minerals. Potassium helps maintain the level of fluid and is also needed for enzymes, muscles, and nerves.

Some other important things you should look for in a pet vitamin-mineral supplement include, copper, iodine, zinc, selenium, manganese and iron. Although these minerals are required in lesser amounts, they are equally important.

Copper works as an antioxidant, as well as forming red blood cells and aiding in the development of collagen and connective tissue. Iodine is needed for the functioning of the thyroid gland and production of thyroid hormone. the thyroid gland regulates growth and metabolism. Iron and copper together produce hemoglobin, which carries oxygen in the blood. Selenium is an antioxidant and zinc is beneficial for skin and coat.

For older dogs, a pet vitamin containing the supplements glucosamine and chondroitin can be extremely helpful in dealing with arthritis. These nutrients support joints and decrease damage to joint cartilage and are completely safe for your dog.

Liquid Multi-Vitamins for Dogs

A high quality, all natural pet vitamin contains some other ingredients that provide health benefits for your dog. Some of these ingredients are not as familiar but are helpful in keeping your dog as healthy as possible. Ingredients like kelp, seaweed, algae and brewers yeast are known as prebiotic and probiotic supplements. They provide natural sources of antioxidants and vitamins, and aid in digestion and absorption of nutrients. 

Gillick K9 Products
Liquid Dog Vitamins

Our pets are living a longer, better quality of life than ever before. Now that we understand the importance of good nutrition, we can provide our beloved pets with the best quality food and pet vitamins available.


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