Monday 18 December 2017

Why Do Dogs Drool?

Just about all dogs drool but it's much more noticeable in some dogs than others. The most basic reason dogs drool is related to the same reasons they salivate, or, indeed, why humans salivate: they are anticipating food. Any time a dog starts expecting food there will usually be some drool soon.

But dogs drool for other reasons, too. Your dog can't sweat to cool himself the way that humans can. He has to pant to take in air and cool down. This panting can also lead to drooling, especially if your dog is very hot.

Dogs may also drool when they're very excited. Any time your dog reaches the point where his tongue is hanging out of his mouth, there may be drool. That can include excitement about seeing you come home, excitement about playing, excitement about watching a squirrel - you name it.

Some dogs do drool more than others. This is often due to the shape of their muzzles and the amount of "flew" that they have. Flews are the long, pendulous lips some breeds possess. Examples include Saint Bernards, Bloodhounds, many mastiff breeds, Bulldogs, English Setters and others. If a breed has long, pendulous lips then it's a good bet that they will be likely to drool a lot.

Your dog may also drool if he is sick or nauseated. If your dog rarely drools and he suddenly begins drooling you may want to consider taking him to the vet. In these cases drooling can be a sign of poisoning. It may precede vomiting. It's also possible that your dog could have something lodged in his mouth. See if your dog will let you check by gently running your finger around his mouth. In either case, it's a good idea to go to the vet if it's unusual for your dog to drool and your dog acts like there's something wrong.

In some cases a dog may have a broken tooth or some other injury to his mouth that leads to drooling. Again, a visit to your vet is recommended.

If you have an habitual drooler there's not too much you can do about it. If your dog drools when he travels you can help him by putting a window down for him. The fresh air may make him feel better. You can also talk to your vet about giving your dog an over-the-counter pill for motion sickness. Your vet can tell you how much to give your dog. A couple of ginger cookies helps some dogs if given before you travel.

If your dog drools while watching you eat you should consider banishing him from the room while you're eating.

Otherwise, you can handle drooling by keeping a cloth nearby to wipe your dog's face when he starts to drool. Some owners like to put a bandana on their dogs so they always have a cloth handy for wiping their dog's face.

The good news is that drool does wash out of clothes and it's easy to clean off your walls.


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