Saturday 16 December 2017

What Is A Dog Digging Pit?

If you have a dog who loves to dig in your yard then you may need a dog digging pit. So what is a dog digging pit? It's like giving your dog his own personal sand box to play in. The great thing about a dog digging pit is that once your dog has one he's much less likely to dig in other places in your yard.

In order to create a dog digging pit for your dog you'll need to choose a place in your yard where it's okay for him to dig. This will be his place and he can dig to the earth's core here without getting into trouble.

Next, you'll need some supplies. You can make your dog digging pit any size you want but a 3 x 6 foot pit is usually a good size for most dogs. A pit that's 2 feet deep will give your dog plenty of depth to dig in. You'll need some landscape timbers or railroad rails to make a "box" around the pit. This will help define the area for your dog so he knows where it's okay for him to dig.

Next, you'll need to do some digging yourself. Dig out the area to a depth of about two feet, removing grass and topsoil. You can keep loose dirt that will be easy for your dog to dig in. Then start adding in sand. You can get any kind of sand you like but children's play sand - the kind used for sand boxes - is recommended.

It's fine if your dog wants to "help" you with your digging. Afterall, this is going to be his place to dig so go ahead and let him get involved with it. It will encourage him to dig here later.

Box in the area with your timbers or rails and you've created a dog digging pit for your dog.

However, you're not finished yet. You've created the pit but you have to entice your dog to use it. You can do this by half burying some of his favorite toys in the sand. Put some treats in the sand for him to find, too. Then turn your dog loose to play in the pit. Help him and encourage him to find him toys and treats. Put some of his toys and treats in the pit everyday to keep him going back to the pit. This will keep him busy and prevent him from digging in your yard or garden.

If your dog is a digger, he should love the dog digging pit. However, he may still show some interest in digging in your garden (flowers or vegetables). You can look for sprays at your garden center to deter him from bothering your plants. Walk him on his leash around the yard each day for a few days and tell him "no" when he shows interest in places where he's not supposed to dig.

With a little training and the dog digging pit to dig in, your dog should be quite happy to stop digging elsewhere in your yard.


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