Wednesday 13 December 2017

Dealing With An Overweight Dog

It's estimated that around 40 percent of the dogs in the United States are overweight or obese. Most of those dogs are overweight simply because their owners are feeding them too much food and the dogs don't get enough exercise.

Most of us can't stand for our dogs to be hungry. All it takes is for our dog to turn those big, pleading eyes on us and we get out the food bowl. But, realistically, it's much healthier for your dog to maintain a healthy weight even if it means cutting back on the food.

If you have any doubts about whether or not your dog is overweight there are a couple of good ways to tell. First of all, most dogs should have a "waist." That is, behind their ribcage, your dog should have a slight tuck up in his flank area.

Secondly, you should be able to not only find your dog's ribs when you feel his sides, but you should be able to feel them. They should not be sticking out and he shouldn't look skinny. But when you run your hands over your dog you should be able to feel the ribs. If you have to poke through several layers of flab to find your dog's ribs then your dog is definitely overweight!

Third, when viewed from above, or from any other angle, your dog should not have a back like a table top. It shouldn't be broad and flat. You shouldn't be able to set a tray on your dog's back.

And, fourth, you will know if your dog is overweight if he waddles when he walks or if he becomes tired easily when he exercises. Fit dogs should be able to take a moderately long walk without tiring or run and play without getting worn out quickly.

If your dog is overweight you can help your dog slim down by following some sensible diet suggestions.

1. Measure your dog's food and feed him controlled portions. No free feeding or keeping food in the bowl 24/7. Check the dog food label and use it as a guideline for the amount that you should feed your dog. Feed your dog 1 meal a day or 2 times if it makes you feel better. If you feed twice a day simply divide the daily ration and feed it in two meals.

2. Cut out the snacks and treats, or at least change to healthy treats such as apples and carrots that won't pile on pounds.

3. If your dog acts like he's starving, add canned green beans to his meals. Green beans will add some bulk to your dog's diet and help him feel fuller without adding a lot of calories.

4. Slowly start increasing your dog's exercise. Start with short walks and gradually increase them to moderately long walks. As your dog loses weight he will probably start to feel more active.

If you follow these suggestions you can help your dog lose the extra weight and live a healthier life.


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