Monday 4 December 2017

Dogs Like Stuffed Toys

Just why do dogs like stuffed toys? If you've ever watched your dog rip the stuffing from a stuffie, or gently carry a stuffed animal around like a friend, you may have wondered why dogs like them so much. The answers can be complex.

There are generally several impulses at work when you see dogs with their stuffed toys. First of all, dogs have what is called a "prey drive." This is a deeply ingrained instinct that all dogs have. They share this instinct with their wolf ancestors. Prey drive is part of a dog's survival skills. Dogs and wolves use prey drive when they are hunting in order to hunt, stalk and kill another animal. Humans have managed to modify this prey drive in our dogs through careful selective breeding so they can use a form of it to herd and guard sheep without killing them, to hunt birds, and to do many kinds of protection work. But this prey drive still exists in our dogs. When you see your dog ripping his stuffed toy apart, your dog is indulging this instinct to rip apart his prey. The difference is that with a stuffed animal he can do it just for fun.

Another impulse on display when dogs play with stuffed toys is nurturing. For some dogs, stuffed animals can become substitutes for mothering puppies. Some female dogs, in particular, may go through false pregnancies and gather stuffed toys as substitutes for non-existent puppies. However, many dogs like to care for stuffed animals the same way that children enjoy stuffed animals. They may carry them around and cuddle or sleep with them. They would never imagine ripping them apart. They may become depressed if a favorite stuffed animal disappears or is torn up.

Of course, both of these impulses depend, to some extent, on the fact that dogs have a need and ability to play. Many mammals have this impulse to play. Dogs are intelligent and creative. They can distinguish between the real thing (killing a hedgehog) and doing something in play (ripping the stuffing out of a stuffed animal hedgehog). One of the reasons we love dogs so much is for their ability to play because it entertains us and because we can relate to it.
This ability to play usually continues throughout a dog's life. Play starts with very young puppies but even older dogs still love to play. Most puppies will start to play almost as soon as their eyes open when they're just a couple of weeks old. As soon as they can start distinguishing objects they will start trying to play with them.

So, the short answer to why dogs like stuffed toys is because stuffed toys provide them with a great way to play, whether they want to pretend to be great hunters or whether they are looking for a toy for comfort. Stuffed toys are an old favorite for dogs. They aren't necessarily very complex toys but dogs continue to love them.


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