Saturday 5 August 2017

If You Like to Travel With Your Dog

Going for a car trip with your dog can be something exciting for both of you. But for this excitement, there is a need to plan for your dog travel before travel time. Below are dog travel tips comply with for a better trip with your dog

Take your dog for health checks before travelling. You can take your dog to the veterinarian for a general checkup. Although it is not a necessary step, it is better to do it before going on an extended trip.
Familiarize your dog to the crate, if you have one. Introduce the crate with a positive manner to your dog so that it cannot see that it is a suffering. Let the dog sniff the crate before putting it into the car. When the crate is in the car, place your dog inside it and leave it alone for some 15 minutes just to be familiar with it.

Ensure that your dog has a sturdy leash and collar. The collar should contain identification tags with the dog's name, your name, and your home phone number. Or another alternative is to put a permanent form of identification, such as a microchip because you never know if you two will part ways accidentally!

Before hitting the road, it is advisable to exercise your dog until it gets tired. This will make him want to rest and it is the perfect time for you to be travelling.

If your trip and the dog was to start now, make sure you feed the dog a couple of hours before. This will prevent him from getting carsick while travelling.

A very important point to take note is that you should have the dog supplies well packed before the long trip starts. Make sure you carry along plenty of water for the dog to be drinking. You can also pack some snacks with high protein content.

Since the journey will be long, you need to keep the dog entertained all the way. To do so, it is advisable to carry his chewing bone along or his favorite toys. Never bring along Squeaky toys, as they make a lot of noise which can make you lose concentration while driving.

Once you and your dog have boarded the car, make sure you don't leave him to roam in the car. You can do this either by crating your dog (considered to be the most effective way) or you can also purchase a dog safety seat which offers more comfort than a seat belt.
If the trip is very long, it is advisable to stop the car after every 4 hours. It is better to halt somewhere grassy and relatively calm, away from the busy road and get the dog out for some pooping, drink some water and give him a small walk so as to release the energy accumulated.

Always when you make a stop. Never leave the dog inside the car for more than five minutes, as they will get stressed up and apart from that they suffocate and become more nervous.

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