Watching a dog that is fearful during thunderstorms or with the sounds of fireworks is not fun for you or the dog. Unfortunately a lot of dogs suffer from this problem, but there is hope for some of them. Noise phobias are not uncommon in dogs and there are some good methods for handling the problem. One of these methods may help your dog.
Thunder jackets. Thunder jackets, or capes, are wraps that wrap around your dog's body. They reduce the amount of static electricity that collects in your dog's fur. Many people theorize that the static electricity bothers some dogs and makes them fearful of storms. You can buy one of these thunder jackets for your dogs,
which wraps tightly around his torso, or you can pin a t-shirt around his body, or use a tube shirt. The important thing is to wrap the cloth tightly around your dog's body. This method does seem to help many dogs who are scared of storms.

Desensitizing your dog with CDs of thunder and fireworks. If your dog is particularly upset by the noise of storms and fireworks you can try to desensitize him to the loud sounds by using CDs. You can buy these recordings or make your own. Record the sounds of thunder and/or fireworks then start playing them at a low volume in your house. Allow your dog to get used to the sounds at the low volume and then gradually raise the volume until your dog is comfortable with the sounds at full volume. This desensitization technique helps some dogs.
Create a safe place for your dog. Some dogs can make it through storms and fireworks noise if they have a safe place. This safe place can be their crate, your bathtub, the center of your bed, or any place where your dog feels safe and secure. If is often a dark, quiet place. It may make your dog think of a burrow or cave. Some dogs seem to prefer bathtubs because they are porcelain and this is a place where static electricity can't build up in their fur.
Try herbal remedies and aromas. Rescue Remedy is a popular treatment for noise phobia and fear of storms and fireworks. It is a flower essence that you can buy at a health store or online. Some

Drown out the noise. You can also try drowning out the noise of the storm or fireworks by turning up your TV or stereo. If you play them loud enough your dog may not realize there is a storm outside or fireworks being shot off. This works in some cases.
If your dog's fear is severe you should seek the help of a behavior specialist that has experience working with dogs that suffer from noise phobias. You can also talk to your veterinarian. In some cases your vet may give you a sedative for your dog to get through the storm. You should always talk to your vet before giving your dog any kind of medication.
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