Tuesday 29 August 2017

How to Stop a Dog From Jumping on You

This simple habit your dog can develop from a young age and is really important in your puppies early stages of development to get it under control.

Puppies can form lots of little bad habits that may seem adorable and cute while their small, but just imagine that same habit happening when their twice of even three times as big! Not so enjoyable then, this is why its encouraged that you get confident in learning how to get your dog not to jump on people.

Not doing this causes your dog to think it can do anything to get your attention! You have to think about it from their level, they are below your height so the logical thing for them is to jump 5 feet or however high they can manage and try and say hello!

One way to stop your puppy jumping up is to completely ignore them when they try and jump, turn away and give them no eye contact, speak or touch them. Continue with this for at least 5 minutes and then command your puppy to come. If your puppy will not stop for whatever reason try isolating them by leaving them in a room for a short while until they have settled down.

If your puppy has developed the habit of jumping on friends or visitors, make a request of them to do as advised above, this way the training is enforced and your puppy will the get the idea quicker. Having a lead and collar on the puppy can help you by holding onto them by it until they relax, if the puppy tries to get their mouth around your hand, you should isolate them as soon as possible for a little while until they settle down. This way they associate the bad behaviour with the punishment of being left alone.

When you decide to go for a walk and your puppy is jumping all over you, a good technique on how to teach a dog not to jump is to leave the leash on the ground beside you and wait for 10 to 15 minutes until your puppy is calm BEFORE proceeding with the walk. Pick the leash up once they have calm down and try again. Having some patience here is key, understandably you want to get out as well and go for some exercise but having this set process is crucial in how to train your dog not to jump.

To be calm and prevent being verbal to your dog is key in getting them to stop from jumping up on you. Just like a young child, your puppy will always be seeking love and attention!

Jumping up on you and invading your personal space is not how the puppy shows its love towards you, remember its just trying to gain your attention.

Respect is earned by you when your puppy realises it can't simply jump on you whenever it wants, knowing its place and giving you your space is very important in gaining a mutual respect from your puppy as it matures.

Giving praise to your puppy when they are being calm and do the right thing is completely OK! Picking them up for a cuddle is permitted just as long as they are exercising the right way of behaving and not jumping up on you. Puppies require a lot of time and love at first so don't forget to include this.

When you are ignoring your puppy keep your arms folded and walk past the puppy confidently and assertively.

When you are ignoring your puppy for not doing the right thing, it's important to keep a very strong stance by folding your arms and confidently walking past the dog. Remember that making eye contact is not a good thing when they are misbehaving... This invites your puppy over, so do not make eye contact, focus on something else.

A great trick in training dogs not to jump is to give the command to sit before wanting them to do a certain movement. Practising by giving the lots of these type of commands will change their default behaviour to sitting instead of jumping up when you make contact with them, before you go for a walk or when you have visitors around

Source: http://ezinearticles.com/?How-to-Stop-a-Dog-From-Jumping-on-You&id=9316577

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