Wednesday 27 February 2019

How To Correctly Punish Your Dog

Have you ever tried to discipline your dog? The answer here is yes. But how often has your dog then turned around and done the same exact behavior? The answer here is more than likely 'a bunch'. Have you ever wondered why that is? Well, I am about to fill you in on how to fix this. Easy peasy style!

So the problem here is that you tell your dog what not to do. You punish them for their bad or wrong behavior. This is fine. In fact, it is what needs to be done to correct the behavior you do not want them to do anymore. However, this is where most people stop. They let the dog what not to do but not what they need to do. Which is to let the dog know what to do instead.

I'm sure that makes sense, right? After letting your dog know what not to do, you should share with them the correct behavior that you would like them to do. Duh!!

In fact, it's even better if you just tell your dog what you want them to do instead. Whatever you decide to do, just remember, dogs don't generalize well. This means that if your dog jumps up on someone to say hello and you tell them no, they may jump higher or to the left side instead of the right.

To correct this, simply tell them what you would like them to do instead. The benefits of using this method instead of simply telling them no would be that it would completely avoid any confusion on the dogs part.

I'm sure that you can see how confusing it can be to your dog when you want them to sit but all you tell them is no when they do not do it. So the big takeaway here would be to simply tell your dog the behavior that you would like them to do instead of telling them 'no'.

Matter of fact, I actually have first-hand experience with this particular dog training tactic. You see, in college I had a Rottweiler. She was the nicest dog you would ever meet and scared of literally everything. However, once she was familiar with you, she would always jump up to say hello and the end result would be drool everywhere!

At the time I thought it was hilarious! However, after a couple of ruined dates, I decided that enough was enough and it was time for a change (not to sound cheesy or anything).

So after several weeks of trying different training techniques and tactics, none of them seemed to stick. So once I started replacing the 'no' with what I wanted her to do instead, after just a couple of days we were good to go!

I know how powerful this particular dog training tip is and have seen it's power in person. So I definitely recommend that you try this out for yourself and the power that is behind it!


Tuesday 26 February 2019

Put Your Obese Dog on a Diet

"No thanks," said no obese dog ever when tempted with your handful of tasty treats. Dogs live in the moment; for most dogs, every moment when food is present is like an opportunity of a lifetime. Therefore, you must monitor your dog's intake to ensure the dog food going in does not contribute to an overweight dog.

Obesity in America isn't just a problem for humans. According to the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention (APOP), an estimated 54% of dogs and cats in the United States are overweight. According to the overweight dog chart, you should be able to slightly feel your dog's ribs when they are fit. If it's difficult to feel your dog's ribs under fat and their waist is non-existent, it's probably time to start a doggy weight loss plan.

Obesity in dogs is very similar to obesity in children; both children and pets are dependent on your educated guidance and actions. For most obese dogs, the true culprit is the owner's feeding method and a lack of exercise. Feeding your dog free-choice, meaning they have food available at all times, can lead to over-eating by many dogs. To compound that, many owner's view the 10-minute outside potty break as the daily exercise routine.

Dogs are designed by nature to travel and scavenge. Today's dogs often prefer to sit on the couch and have their meals hand-delivered. Sound like any dog owners you know? Studies have shown that less active owners have less active dogs. If your dog isn't getting a proper diet or enough exercise, she can end up with any variety of debilitating conditions as she ages. Obesity affects all of her internal organs, joints, and bones. Obese pets can develop diabetes mellitus (sugar diabetes), heart disease, increased blood pressure, and skin problems.

Putting in a little effort now could reap huge rewards down the road, including adding years to your dog's life. For starters, feed your dog healthy dog foods on a schedule. Feed two or more small meals per day at regular intervals and pick up any uneaten food. If you must leave your dog alone during the day, consider putting your dog's meal in a doggy puzzle toy so they get mentally stimulated while eating breakfast.

Periodic treats don't need to be totally eliminated. They are great training tools and for the occasional "treat"; not an hourly event. You can even find low fat dog treats so you can feed more without feeling guilty or endangering your dog's diet.

Make sure your dog is getting plenty of exercise to burn calories and build a better body. Daily play sessions and dog walks are great ways to bond while getting both of you in better condition. Do not carry your dog with you everywhere; even 5lb little precious pooches need exercise for their well-being and their mental state of mind. Your dog knows how to walk so put them down!

Remember, if your dog is really obese, start an exercise program slowly as they may not be able to handle rigorous activities in the beginning. Putting your dog in the backyard is not an appropriate exercise plan. Generally, a dog will not expend much energy when alone; sound familiar? Your companionship and participation is required to conquer your dog health issues.

Particularly for overweight dogs, it's recommended to use dog stairs or ramps to reduce the strain on your dog's joints when they are carrying too much weight. It can also be a form of exercise for your dog to go up and down to the furniture rather than lying around on the floor.

What are you waiting for? Revamp your dog's nutrition, put your obese dog on a weight loss plan, and proactively use dog stairs so you can have a long, healthy life together.


Saturday 23 February 2019

Happy Dog, Happy Home!

You landed here probably because you're a dog parent. So, how's your pooch? Are you enjoying each other's company? Most likely! Well, it actually depends on you. Yes, you. And... your dog's attitude? No, dear! Your relationship with your furry baby is your sole responsibility. The moment you welcomed that cutie in your home, it became a member of your family. Being a dog parent is a sweet responsibility, and you should really do your best to become a good one. Now, have you done dog training? Does your furry buddy know the right areas to pee and poop? Does it know its limits? Go on, read this piece of writing that will surely help you train and maintain a good relationship with your pooch. You're reading this because you want to sustain the happiness that you already have with your dog, right? (Of course, the mere presence of a dog can make us happy!)

The Happy Dog and Parent

Below are some important thoughts to keep in mind while teaching various things to your dog.

• Know that it depends on the breed.

You have learned that your neighbor's corgi is very easy to train, so you expect the same for your beagle. But you should know that different breeds have different traits especially when it comes to trainability. A corgi is much easier to train compared to a
beagle, but that doesn't mean you have to give up on your pet. You just need to be in the know of the proper approach for your dog's breed, and you'll surely succeed in your teaching goals.

• Understand that it may take time.

Apart from knowing the traits of your pet, you should also remind yourself that you can't just see great improvements overnight. For instance, enhancing your talents requires a lot of training sessions before seeing significant results. The same thing may happen as you try to potty train your pet.

• Don't get mad at your dog.

Be firm, but don't yell at your pet. You wouldn't want fear to be the foundation of your relationship, would you? Be patient enough. Getting mad at your pet will not lead to proper motivation and good results.

• Acknowledge small achievements.

Of course, your pet deserves some treats! Cheer for it and give it a reward for every small achievement. Dogs are smart, and they can be easily motivated to do good especially if they know that they'll be rewarded for it.

• Remember that a dog is indeed a man's best friend.

As they say, dogs are capable of giving unconditional love. Hence, treat your pet well. Be gentle during your training sessions. Your pooch is not your enemy, but your best friend.

Happy Home!

Obviously, this is the result of the kind-heartedness that you and your dog naturally possess. You guys can indeed bring out the best in each other, but know that everything should start in you. If you do things right, everything else will really follow. Gentle training plus genuine love equals a happy dog and a happy parent. And of course, a happy dog plus a happy parent equals a happy home!


Friday 22 February 2019

Does Secrets to Dog Training Work On Stubborn Dogs?

Is Secrets to Dog Training effective on really stubborn dogs? If you're reading this article, it's probably because you're at your wits' end with your dog, who insists on making his own rules.

He controls your behavior. He eats when he wants. He barks until he gets what he wants. He jumps on your furniture. He jumps on you when you come through the door. He jumps on your guests.

And he chews the heels off your favorite shoes.

In a nutshell, he's making your life a living hell!

Desperate Measures

In desperation, you typed into Google's search, "Secrets to Dog Training" or "Secrets to Dog Training Review" because you'd heard about this book and were wondering if it's really an effective dog training book for stubborn dogs.

What Is Secrets to Dog Training?

Secrets to Dog Training is a 256-page, downloadable eBook written by a professional dog trainer, Daniel Stevens. It's unusually detailed and jam-packed with ideas and techniques all the professionals use. It teaches you how to prevent and deal with some of the most common behavior problems like:

· Aggression with Other Canines
· Food Aggression
· Aggression with Children
· Pulling on the Leash
· Barking
· Biting
· Chewing
· Jumping on People
· Separation Anxiety

But wait. I digress.

How did I find out about Secrets to Dog Training?

I'll tell you a really short, but true story. When I got my first dog Lily, I was clueless. I didn't know she needed to be trained. I didn't know I was supposed to make rules. I didn't know Lily was supposed to follow my rules. I didn't know she was supposed to actually obey me.

My dog Lily walked all over me - until I got desperate.

I looked online for dog training books, but I didn't know what "training" my dog needed. I knew she barked all the time when I left the house. She "talked back" to me when I would tell her to get off my bed.

She jumped on my furniture, chewed my shoes and decided when she would eat. Basically, she ran the house. She was the leader and I was the follower.


Back to my Secrets to Dog Training Review.

Who Wrote Secrets to Dog Training?

Secrets to Dog Training is written by Daniel Stevens, a veteran dog trainer. The book is published by Kingdom of Pets. The tips and advice Daniel Stevens gives are time-tested.

What Does This Product Do?

This book teaches you how to take command and make your dog respect you. It teaches you first and foremost how to be the alpha dog - which gives you confidence. It also trains you to behave differently with your dog so that he listens to you - not sometimes - but all the time.

Downloadable 30 Minute Video

Because this book comes with an easy-to-follow 30 minute video, you get to experience real-life examples of dogs behaving badly, and the principles of Secrets to Dog Training being put into action.

The video gives you real solutions to specific, difficult problems created by stubborn pets. Videos are always best because you get to see if you're implementing the techniques correctly.

How is the Book Layed Out?

The book starts off by providing new dog owners with advice on how to choose a puppy and from where to adopt them. It also guides the new or prospective owner on how to select a breed, breed information, how to proof your house and house training. It also talks about what to expect on your first vet visit and how to prepare for your visit.

Does It Address Stubborn Breed Problems?


The advanced section covers hard to solve problems with certain breeds (hmmm... think Jack Russell Terrier) like aggressive behavior, dominance, chewing, digging, barking and jumping.

After dealing with tough to solve issues, the book then thoroughly discusses dog health care, such as what to do about allergies, fleas, heat stroke and more. Finally, the book covers advanced commands and tricks in masterly detail.

Does it Cover Dog Whispering?

To my surprise, YES.

The best part about this book is that it covers Dog Whispering in detail. In fact, there's an entire section dedicated to this method of training. In case you're not familiar with the concept, dog whispering is a method of dog training based on the philosophy of clear communication and mutual respect.

It's a newer method of dog training. But it's one of the most humane methods of dog training - right along with clicker training. You get step-by-step instructions for basic commands like sit, come, down, stay, quiet, etc.

But Does it Work on Stubborn Dogs?

Absolutely! Like I said, I now have 2 Jack Russells and I've used all of the techniques on my dogs. Jack likes to bolt out the door. This caused a dangerous situation until I started implementing the strategies in Secrets to Dog Training. I use the techniques on Jack and Jill all the time.

It works like magic.

And everyone knows how difficult Jack Russells can be to train due to their independent, bossy streak. I highly recommend this book. But there's one more thing I need to tell you about this product.

You Get Useful Dog Training Freebies

Sometimes people include free bonuses to enhance their product, which aren't useful at all. However, that's not the case with Secrets to Dog Training. With this product, you get useful freebies.

You get 4 bonus books on:

1. Advanced house training (troubleshooting including crate and paper training methods)

2. How to Stop Canine Aggression

3. How to Groom Your Dog (including a section on information on coat care for specific breeds, dental health care, nail clipping)

4. Dog Security Training (a beginning guide to train your dog on how to be a security dog)

5. A 30 Minute Dog Training Video (showing you live examples of dogs behaving badly and how to correctly give commands so that they listen)

What's more, you get a personalized email consultation with a dog professional from the Kingdom of Pets team. The team members are professional dog trainers who will take the no-fuss approach to helping you solve your dog obedience problems.

Here's the kicker.

The book itself only costs $39.95. For this price, you get a complete and detailed manual on training your dog, preventing and handling behavioral problems, and a whole bunch of general-knowledge tips and advice.

Secrets to Dog Training Review In a Nutshell

All in all, I'm impressed. Like I said, my first dog, Lily, was really a handful. And now, I have 2 Jack Russells that I trained using Secrets to Dog Training. And I've never had to hire a professional trainer because everything I need to train my dogs is in this book. I highly recommend it.

Want more dog training mastery? Would you like your dog to behave all the time - even when you're not home?  It will help you solve 20 of most common dog behavior problems of any breed, including barking, aggression, biting, digging, separation anxiety and more without the need to hire a professional dog trainer. It will also give you free information on dog health care so that you know how to take good care of your dog.

Review By:Shalisha Alston


Your Guide To Dog Rescue

Sadly, not all dogs receive love in return for the love they are capable of giving. Unfortunately, animal shelters are overcrowded with lots and lots of unwanted dogs.

Petting a dog can be a very joyful experience. The love that these dogs can bring into our lives is invaluable. Mark Twain once famously said, "The more I know about people, the more I love my dog."

Many stray dogs end up at animal shelters every year, so these facilities are always seeking people wanting to adopt and volunteers willing to assist at the shelter.

Trying to help these animals is a productive and worthwhile endeavor, and it's easier than what many people believe. Below I will explain how you can get involved.

The first step is to find a dog rescue shelter. These shelters are located all over the country, and most can be found on the internet or online directories. Before starting your search, take some time to consider what kind of shelter you want to visit.

Several shelters only house certain breeds and specific sizes of dogs, so you should be aware of this information if you are seeking a particular type of dog. Once you know your requirements, it should be easy to search for a shelter.

The search for a dog is the less stressful part of the process. Dog rescue becomes difficult after adopting a canine because you have to train your pet and get them used to their new home.

Begin by teaching basic commands

You can begin the training process by teaching your dog to respond to some elementary orders like "sit" or "stay." This beginning interaction will help to create and strengthen a bond between you both and will help your relationship grow.

Use the commands consistently

During the initial training, ensure every person is giving your dog the same commands. Actually, dogs like rules because it helps them better understand their new home and family and builds confidence.

Always use positive methods in your training

People experience difficulty learning new tasks when they are stressed or anxious, and so do dogs. Dogs should be in a calm and attentive state in order to understand what they are being taught.

In fact, treat it as training for both of you. The dog is learning how to live in your house, and you are learning how to train and interact with your dog.

Now of course not every person will be willing to adopt a dog for various reasons. If you wish to help with dog rescue without adoption, there are many ways to do so.

You can volunteer with an animal shelter in your area but first, check online to see which shelters need assistance from volunteers. The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) is often in need of volunteers, so this is a place to get started at.

If not, you can simply donate food or money to a local shelter.


Wednesday 20 February 2019

What You Should Know About The Cane Corso

The Cane Corso is part of the mastiff breed native to Italy. Although this is a powerful breed, it has several special needs that potential owners should be aware of. One of the first things that potential owners should know is that this dog can get very large. It is not uncommon to see a Cane Corso weighing 120 pounds. This dog was bred to protect their owner's property and to hunt large game.

This breed of dog has a massive head and a large body that is rectangular in shape. The coat on this dog is short and comes in several colors including red, gray and black.

Experienced Owners

This breed is not suitable for a new owner, or an owner that does not have a lot of experience. People who have always owned small breeds or gentle breeds such as retrievers or toy breeds should not get a Cane Corso. This dog is not only smart and powerful, but it is also very headstrong and stubborn at times.

A Cane Corso will need an owner who can be a leader. The perfect owner would be someone who is able to guide with firmness and be consistent at the same time without being mean or harsh. Although the Cane Corso will love and protect his family, you should not expect him to display many signs of affection. You will notice that he wants to frequently be near you, but you do not have to lavish him with lots of attention.


It is critical that your Cane Corso is socialized at an early age. Be sure to get your dog from a breeder who has raised the puppy in the home. This will ensure that your dog will be familiar with common household noises, smells and sights. Continue the socialization skills by enrolling your puppy in an obedience class.

You can then begin to introduce him to other family members, neighbors and friends. Take him with you when you go on an errand. This way, he will learn to understand who and what are a part of your life, and the situations that should be considered threats.

However, it is important to remember that no amount of socialization will make him extremely friendly with any people outside of the family circle. These dogs are very protective, and guarding you will be his first priority.

A Cane Corso is an extremely protective dog. Although these dogs have an intimidating appearance, they will not display this aggression unless they are not properly trained and socialized.


5 Facts About Ear Mites That Cat And Dog Owners Should Know

The mites that inhabit our cats and dogs ears can be a troublesome irritant but knowing a little about ear mites in our pets can help us understand and treat the problem more effectively.

Here is a compilation of facts that may well help to understand how the mites operate and their effect on your pet.

The Same Mite Can Effect Cats And Dogs

The most common mite found in cats and dogs is an eight-legged parasite known as otodectes cynotes. These tiny mites feed off the oil and wax in a pets ear canal and left untreated will multiply very fast and cause inflammation and irritation in your pets inner and external ear canal.

How Can I Detect Ear Mites In My Pet?

You may have seen your pet constantly scratching their ear, and although this may well indicate an ear mite infestation, you can determine whether your pet has mites by shining a flashlight into the ear. The mites prefer darkness and bright light will make them scurry around.

The mite infestation will have also left a residue that visually looks similar to ground coffee and has a strong unpleasant odor.

Are Ear Mites Very Infectious?

Yes they are. If you have other pets in the household then you should treat them at the same time. It is worth mentioning that although it is in theory, possible for ear mites to pass to humans, we make a very poor host and mites do not survive for very long on us. The pet to human transfer is so inhospitable for the ear mite that transmission is not generally considered to be an issue.

How Should An Ear Mite Infection Be Treated?

A trip to your veterinarian is in order. Your vet will prescribe a proprietary treatment that is most effective according to your cat or dogs condition. The reason for this is that your pet may need to have their ears cleansed, have medication placed inside or outside of the ear dependent on the stage of inflammation and, should the infection be advanced, ear drops or antibiotics may potentially have to be administered.

How Long Will It Take To Rid My Pet Of Ear Mites?

The mites develop from egg to adulthood over an approximate three-week cycle which means to effectively kill off the mites and any subsequent offspring, treatment should be carried out for at least a month.


Sunday 17 February 2019

Tibetan Spaniel - Companion And Watchdog

This breed looks a little like a miniature lion, a prized animal to the Buddist Monks that propagated the breed. Tibetan Spaniels love to interact with people and watch over their kingdom from high perches. They are very cat-like in this aspect and like to lay on tables, the back of the couch, or any location where they can be elevated and watch. Tibbies do well in agility trials due to their athletic abilities. This breed is very alert and watchful, friendly with family members, but aloof to strangers. These highly intelligent dogs are easily trained; however, they do can also be stubborn. At times, they will not follow a command, simply because they think you really don't mean it or it is not what they want to do at the time. Tibetan Spaniels are very intuitive and sensitive. Training them requires positive reinforcement and rewards. They are very affectionate toward family members and prefer to be with a person at all time. Tibbies do not do well if left alone for long periods of time. They will love and protect children, but playing with children could result in injury to the dog. They also accept other pets and dogs well, so this is a good choice for the multi-pet family.

Tibetan Spaniels shed all year, so brushing the dog weekly or more frequently is recommended. While they have a double coat, and have long fur, they do not shed excessively. Occasionally a bath is needed, but no more frequently than every couple month. Tibbies are healthy dogs that live about 12 to 15 years. Because of their protruding eyes, they do have a tendency to get tear stains. This is mostly cosmetic and not a health problem. These are true house dogs, they do not tolerate cold or hot weather, and prefer to cuddle on the couch with you. Typically, Tibetan Spaniels are about 10 inches tall and weigh about 9 to 15 pounds. They make good apartment dogs; however, they do bark. Training your dog not to bark may or may not be successful, so if you live where noise is not tolerated, this breed could be a problem. These little dogs are very affectionate and will display this by jumping up in your lap and licking your face. Fortunately, they are small! Exercise requirements for the breed are minimal. Taking the dog for a walk, on a leash, once a day is usually sufficient. Also, plan on playing some indoor games, this will also help with the activity level. Playing with the dog is a great way to interact with the animal and have some fun at the same time.

Tibbies personality is assertive, but not aggressive. They are very watchful and alert to their surroundings, which makes them a good watchdog. As with many watchdogs, they will alert you to potential threats by barking. This can become an annoying trait, so it is best to teach the dog to be quiet after you have acknowledged the alert. This may or may not work, as your Tibetan Spaniel may decide that you really need to know about this threat. Remember they are assertive! Remember that the breed likes to watch from higher locations, so plan your furniture arrangements accordingly. Making sure the nails of the Tibbie are short enough not to damage furniture is very important. Interaction and contact with humans is one of the primary goals of the breed, so be prepared to have a constant companion and a dog that will be on your chairs and couch with you.

Tibetan Spaniels make great family pets if noise restrictions are not needed. They get along well with other animals and children and enjoy being part of a family. These athletic dogs like to watch from higher locations, so be prepared for them to climb on things. While they have long fur, grooming needs are minimal, though they do shed year around. Tibbies are small dogs that are relatively healthy and will live for 10 to 15 years.


Saturday 16 February 2019

Top 10 Most Intelligent Dog Breeds

There are three types of dog intelligence according to Stanley Coren, author of "The Intelligence of Dogs". Adaptive intelligence has the learning and problem-solving ability, instructive intelligence is only specific to the individual animal and Working/Obedience Intelligence is dependent on the breed. I have listed the top 10 most intelligent dog breeds in the world that are easy to train and help humans doing various works directed to them much more like giving them Merrick dog food or bil-jac dog food.

10. Australian Cattle Dog

Tenth on the list is the Australian Cattle Dog, a herding breed. This breed is courageous and a tireless worker, they are very active and needs regular exercise both mentally and physically. They are very protective of their property as well as their masters. This was developed in Australia for herding cattle. They are easy to train, groom and maintain. Provide them with nutritional foods such as that Merrick dog food or bil-jac dog food and it is on the go.

9. Rottweiler

Rottweilers have a reputation as a fearsome dog. This is a great family pet, they are intelligent and reliable, and they are also one of the best guard dogs. They are used in search and rescue, guide dogs for the blind and police dogs.

8. Papillion

Papillions will confuse you of a very cute dog but don't underestimate their cuteness, these are supposed to be scary and tough. A continental toy spaniel, one of the oldest of the toy spaniels, derived their name from its characteristic butterfly-like ears. They are cute, possessive, a little moody and aggressive because they are considered as the most affectionate dogs. They are very easy to train and one of the most intelligent dogs.

7. Labrador Retriever

This is the most popular breed in the world; they are also popular as a family pet because of their loving, affectionate and patient characteristics. Labradors love to swim, play catch and retrieve games and are very good with young children. They are commonly used to aid in hunting, tracking and detecting, assisting humans with disabilities, carting and therapy work.

6. Shetland Sheepdog

This dog as many dog owners would say has the same level of intelligence as men. They breed to become a shepherd to hundreds of sheep, because of their herding dog temperament. They are very vocal and have a lot of energy to please their masters. They are a hard worker. Just provide them with enough Merrick dog food or bil-jac dog food, they will definitely not let you down. "Shelties" as commonly called by owners, were one of the brightest dogs, they could understand a new command in less than 5 repetitions and would obey a command give the first time 95% of the time or better.

5. Doberman Pinscher

This is most commonly used as a guard dog or a police dog, because of its characteristics being loyal, forceful and feared. They have excellent stamina and loved working. You can rely on the Doberman because of his protective tendencies to their master and its family. Doberman is one of the most trainable breeds of dogs.

4. Golden Retriever

Golden retrievers are most commonly owned by millions of people because of its loyalty, gentleness and are very close to children. This dog's intelligence and versatility suit for a variety of roles including guide dog for the blind, hunting dog, illegal drug detection dog, search and rescue and hearing guide for deaf people. This breed is also used in water and life-saving rescue and is in the top 4 of the most intelligent dogs in the world.

3. German Shepherd

One of the smartest dogs, it is also brave and has a strong protective instinct. They are a breed of herding dogs and was originally used to protect flocks of sheep and now they are trained to be police dogs and search dogs. This breed if trained in obedience at an early age will become a great loving family dog and excellent with children.

2. Poodle

The poodle is ranked number to on the top ten because of their intelligence and they are one of the easiest breeds to train. They originated in Germany as a water retriever. They love to be around humans and hated to be left alone. Poodles can also be used as a hunting dog despite their cute appearance.

1. Border Collie

This dog is a breed of herding dog in Great Britain. Collies are used on farms to assist with the herding of livestock. They are energetic, athletic and often being competed in dog sports, also in sheepdog trials. They make an excellent search and rescue dogs because they have been trained in air-scenting and as cadaver dogs.

Whatever dog breed it is, it is very important to provide them with their daily needs such as shelter, love and good food.
