Friday 1 February 2019

Dog Adoption - The Benefits to You!

Dog Ownership: Breeder or Shelter Dog?

You've dreamt of owning a dog. It's only now you are in a position to look after one responsibly. You've waited so long, which means you've earned the right to be fussy and buy a purebred.


Before answering, let's ask another question.

Why do you want a dog: Are you looking for a four-legged soul mate or a fashion accessory?

No - don't turn away! Think about it some more.

Research the Breed

OK, you did the research and let's say a pug is the perfect size for you, the right temperament for the kids, and has such a lovable face. You have a good reason to choose this particular breed.

But don't forget dogs are individuals in just the same way as people. Buying a particular pedigree puppy doesn't mean he won't be a real hand-full, or anxious, or nervous.

Dogs are Individuals

Just because the breed has a certain reputation doesn't mean your purebred puppy is guaranteed to conform to type. What if you buy a pug and he's so determined to have his own way that he urinates on the kids' toys and defecates near doors. Not so pug-perfect then, is he?

Most rescue dogs have grown through the puppy phase and established their character. This means you better know what you're getting, rather than riding the lottery of a purebred pup.

Purebred Rescue Societies

And if your heart is still set on a pedigree, don't forget the breed rescue societies. People get divorced, they lose their jobs, and circumstances change. Unfortunate circumstances mean heartbroken owners end up surrendering perfectly lovely pedigrees. So why not give one of these dogs a home?

Open Minded

So you're open-minded about the breed, and just want a dog you can look in the eye and make a connection. Then a rescue is absolutely the place to go.

Of course, you may well be saving a life (some rescues run a "No kill" policy, but others look after strays for seven days and unclaimed dogs are euthanized) which is hugely important (especially for the dog involved).

This is all very well, but how do YOU benefit from adopting a rescue dog?

· A Head Start on Health: You know what you're getting. Most rescues have a veterinarian check their charges over for health problems. Then dogs (and cats of course) are neutered, chipped, vaccinated, checked for heartworm, and parasite treatments started. Talk about an all-inclusive package! (And all for less than the cost of a pedigree pup)

· Canine Character: Your prospective new family member has established their personality. Why wonder how they'll get on with kids, when you can introduce them and find out? Again, most dogs have undergone extensive personality testing, so the rescue can tell you how the dog gets on with other dogs and reacts in different circumstances, hence cutting out the uncertainty.

· House Broken: Fancy getting up every two to four hours through the night to give than a new puppy a toilet break? Believe me, the novelty soon wears off. Rescue dogs are house-broken so those inevitable puppy accidents are a lot less likely.

· Purchase Price: I'm not advocating spending less is a motive for rescuing a dog - after all, this not a cheap hobby you're entering into, and if you can't afford the purchase price you can't afford to keep a dog. But when adopting a rescue the purchase price goes to looking after other dogs in need, and supporting them through a time when their whole life has been ripped apart - Nice to know the money goes to a good cause!


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