Tuesday 21 November 2017

How To Prepare Your Pet Dog For The Arrival Of A Baby

A whole lot of change and plenty of adjustments have to be made around the house if you and your partner are expecting a child. A room has to be turned into a nursery, the entire house should be baby-proofed and some areas have to be rearranged to welcome the baby. While this change can be both exciting and overwhelming for parents-to-be, keep in mind that your pet dog is going through it, too. He, too, must be prepared for the arrival of the baby.

Such a huge change can be confusing to a pet - here's how you can help them transition easier:

Plan ahead

Will the dog be allowed in the nursery? Can he go near and kiss the baby? Although it may seem trivial, these are questions that need to be addressed beforehand. Getting your dog ready for the arrival of your baby may also require a refresher on basic training such as SIT and STAY. It helps to list down what needs to be worked on, when to start training and who will train the dog.

Work on manners

Aside from refreshing basic commands, it is also important to fix some behavior issues that your pet may have before the baby arrives. This could be consistent barking, jumping up on people or simply not being obedient. Behavior like this re not ideal for new parents taking care of a newborn. Work on these issues as early as possible so that they are improved by the time the baby comes.

Familiarize them with new smells

Familiarize your furry friend with things that he can associate with the baby like baby powder, cologne and wash. Once he gets used to these new scents, it will be easier for him to recognize and welcome the newborn. You can also let him sniff some of the baby's toys and teach him that they aren't for him to play, chew on or take.

Practice with your dog

A few weeks before your baby arrives, show your dog what is to come. It is ideal to practice using a doll - change its diapers, rock it to sleep or feed it to help your dog get used to these kinds of scenarios. If your dog starts barking or getting uneasy, it is ideal to correct these behaviours so that he's better prepared when the real thing comes.

Doing these simple things will help your pet dog prepare for the arrival of your newborn baby!


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