Sunday 12 November 2017

A Beginner's Guide To Feeding Puppies

Feeding a puppy is different from feeding an adult dog. From the day a pup is born up to about his sixth month of life, he needs to eat 4 times as much as an adult dog to ensure that he is growing right. Most young dogs are also usually hyper - they are curious, playful and spend a lot of time chasing things, so a lot of food intake is important to replenish that energy.

Here are some tips to follow regarding the feeding of puppies:

Choose the right food for your pet

Compared to regular dog food, puppy food contains more fats, vitamins and minerals that support growth. Commercial puppy food must meet the nutrient standards of the AAFCO (Association of the American Feed Control Officials). Cheaper brands that use lower-quality ingredients still do meet the AAFCO standards, but more expensive brands go beyond the guidelines and test their own products. These high-quality dog foods are usually labelled "premium" or "performance".

Also, consider the breed of your dog. Large-breed puppy food cater to the needs of bigger dogs while small-breed dogs usually have nutrition formulas concentrated in bite-size nibbles.

Know when to feed your pet

Pups eat up to 4 times a day. However, most dog owners don't have the time to feed their pet that many times in a day, so the feeding sessions can be divided into 2. Just divide the recommended daily amount of food into 2 feedings instead of 3 or 4. Also, it is ideal to set specific times each day for feedings rather than just leaving food out so that your pup learns a schedule. Chihuahuas, on the other hand, should always have food available as they are prone to low blood sugar.

Know how much to feed your pet

While puppies do need to eat a lot to support bone and muscle growth, too much is still too much. Dogs would usually let you know you're giving them too much food when they have leftovers in their bowl. Experts advise following instructions and guidelines from the back of your dog food when it comes to quantity and carefully adjust according to your pup's appetite and condition. Better yet, ask advice from your vet.

Follow these simple guidelines when feeding your pup to ensure he is growing happily and healthily! Just keep in mind that it's still best to ask your vet or other dog experts if you're unsure about something regarding feeding a dog.


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