Saturday 18 November 2017

Bob the Bulldog

Hi, I'm Bob the English Bulldog

My ancestors were originally trained and bred to fight bulls a long time ago in England. That is how I got my title as an English Bulldog. The English people finally outlawed the bull fighting games, thank goodness, so now I don't have to be afraid to fight those big ugly bulls.
I am a medium sized dog. Since I'm a boy dog, I weight about 50 pounds and am about 14 inches tall. I hope to live until I'm at least 12 years old. Some people say that's about 84 years old in people yeas. Whatever!
I love children. Not to brag, but I am very loving, patient, gentle, sweet, easygoing and easy to train. I have a great personality. I can be very comical, happy, good-natured, and lots of fun to be around. My family loves me.

I am a white bulldog but I have friends who are multicolored, usually black and white or tan and white. Some of my friends are all red and some are light brown in color. We all have thick necks, short faces, and heavy wrinkles. Our heavy wrinkles make it important for our owners to clean our face and skin folds everyday so to do not get an infection. We also need to have good dental care.

We tend to snore and drool a lot because of our short noses. Our short nose also makes it hard for us to breathe. We cannot be outside in hot weather. We tend to overheat and are not able to cool off very fast. We also get chilled very easily when it is cold outside. We are not outdoor dogs. We make good indoor dogs who need moderate exercise and air conditioning.

If you or your friends think they would like an English Bulldog, please share with them how to be good pet owners. They need to have the patience, time and money to take good care of their pet for the next 10 to 15 years. All pets need regular vet visits, vaccinations, medication, grooming, and good nutritional pet food.
Please encourage your friends to check the local pet shelters and/or Humane Society for an English Bulldog to adopt before they decide to buy one. There are so many homeless animals that deserve to be adopted and have a good family home. They may use the web to find a bulldog to adopt within their area. Sites like and are great resources. can also help them find animal rescue groups in their area. The local newspaper may have a "pets looking for homes" sections to review and check out.


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