Thursday 6 July 2017

What Are Some Ways To Keep My Dog Tick Free

If you never let your dog out of the house, that is obviously the best way to protect your dog from getting ticks, but that is probably not the ideal solution. Dogs do have to go outside once in a while, and anytime they are outdoors they are susceptible to getting a tick or two.

There are over-the-counter spot medications that can be purchased at pet stores, from your vet or online that are very effective in the control of ticks. You should be careful as to the kind of medicine you give to your dog, and seek your veterinarian's advice. These are the types of spot applications that you put directly onto the dogs fur, usually on the top of the neck.

There are also pills that can be given to your dog on a once per month basis that are also quite effective in killing ticks. They are very easily given to your dog and you won't have to worry about children getting into them or other pets coming into contact with them. It is a simple matter to give the pill to your dog in a ball of hamburger or just place it far down his throat and let go, and he will swallow it.

There are also shampoos that are medicated that will kill ticks upon their contact with the shampoo. This is a very inexpensive way to treat your dog for ticks, although it can be a little work to give your dog a bath with the shampoo. You will usually shampoo your dog with this shampoo during tick season, which is in the spring, summer, and fall, and you should use it every couple of weeks.

When you hear people say that they used a "dip" for their dog for ticks, that means that they used a strong chemical that is applied to the fur of the dog with a sponge, or poured onto the dog's back. Do not rinse the dip off of the dog after it is applied, but just let it dry. The ingredients are very strong, so the dip should not be used on younger animals.

Tick repelling collars are also effective in preventing ticks, as they hit the collar and drop off of the dog. The collar should be tight enough to touch the fur and skin of the dog.

Periodically examine your dog for ticks and if you find one, use tweezers and slowly remove it grasping the head. Keep your dog tick free for your dogs safety.

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