Experts say that overweight canines have a higher risk of health problems such as arthritis, different forms of cancer, diabetes, kidney problems, heart disease and high blood pressure. As a dog parent, it is your responsibility to monitor what your furry friend eats and take care of their overall physical well-being. If your dog is overweight, there are plenty of tricks you can try to get him off too much food but still keep him happy.
Here are a few tips you could follow:
Measure your dog's food
Did you know that in small dogs, even 10 extra kibbles of dog food each day can amount to about 1 pound of weight gain each year? That's where the beauty of using a measuring cup comes in when it comes to giving food to your pooch. Consult your vet regarding how much calories per day your pet needs to stay healthy and stick to that number - no more, no less.
Walk and exercise
A healthy, fit body can be achieved with a combination of nutritious food and the right amount of exercise per day. The same goes with our pets - if all they do is eat and they don't sweat it out, there's nothing to gain but weight. Make it a habit to walk your dog daily, even just for 20 to 30 minutes. This does not only keep him fit but daily exercise has plenty of health benefits such as boosting immune function, improving heart health and reducing behavioral problems. Hire a dog walker if you can't commit to a daily walk with your dog.
Feed your pet healthy food
Most store-bought pet treats and snacks are usually packed with addictive sugar that only add to your pet's waistline. If you have time, make your own treats made out of fruits and vegetables to ensure that he eats healthy. Apples, banana, broccoli, carrots and other fresh produce can go a long way for your dog's health and weight.
Learn to read food labels
Canines are naturally carnivorous - they just love their meat and they can't live on fruits and vegetables alone. When buying dog food from the store, read food labels and opt for the low or no grain variety with a good source of protein. Be sure to consult with your vet first before making any dietary changes.
Consider supplements

Supplements are a great way to make your dog healthier and at the same time encourage weight loss. An omega 3 fatty acid supplement is ideal for most canines as its powerful oils help and treat many common dog health problems. Ask your vet which supplements are safe to take.
Follow these simple tips and your pooch will be on his way to slimmer, healthier body!
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