Friday 7 July 2017

20 Steps Children Should Take Around Dogs

We can never be 100% sure when or if a dog may bite but rather than keep children away from our canine friends, parents would be better off teaching their beloved offspring how to approach (and retreat from) man's best friend safely.
Part of this essential training needs to be about which situations the children really do need to avoid and how they should act and behave around dogs. Together this training will give the kids much greater confidence and a wealth of knowledge about how to safely handle encounters with all manner of these animals. The dogs will find these encounters more enjoyable too!

What Parents Need to Teach Their Children

  1. NEVER disturb any dog who is sleeping, eating, or caring for puppies
  2. NEVER pet a dog, even your own, without letting it see and sniff you first.
  3. Children must always ASK PERMISSION from the owner and their parents BEFORE petting any dog.
  4. If the owner cannot control the dog and have it SIT nicely for the child to pet, WALK AWAY.
  5. NEVER approach a dog who is confined behind a fence, within a car, or on a chain.
  6. NEVER TEASE any dog by poking at them through fences or car windows or reaching your arm through to pet them.
  7. NEVER approach a strange dog you don't know or a dog who is not with it's owner.
  8. NEVER RUN away from a dog that is chasing you. STOP. STAND STILL, REMAIN CALM, ARMS AT YOUR SIDES be quiet and DO NOT SCREAM. Walk away SLOWLY FACING THE DOG BUT NOT STARING AT its eyes.
  9. If a dog attacks. "feed it your jacket, a school book, a bicycle, or anything else that you can get between you and the dog.
  11. DO NOT chase after dogs
  12. DO NOT scream and be loud around dog.
  13. Children should not stare into the eyes of a dog.
  14. If a dog starts to circle you - turn with it, don't let it get behind you.
  15. If the dog shows aggressive behavior (I.e. barking or growling) put something between you and the dog - like a a chair.
  16. Just because a dog wags it's tail it does not mean it's friendly.
  17. ALWAYS ASK the owner of a dog if it is OK to pet their dog.
  18. If you are in the area of a stray dog - LEAVE THAT AREA.
  19. If a dog approaches you remain calm and motionless. Keep your hands at your side. Speak with a soothing voice.
  20. If a dog is injured DO NOT touch or try and help it. Go get an adult.

If you own a dog, but especially a dog that has had even the smallest amount of aggression or protection training it is your moral and legal obligation to make sure that you do everything possible to ensure that your dog is never in a situation where it could bite a child.


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