Friday 30 June 2017

Choosing A Family Dog For Your Child

Children and pets go great together, keeping each other entertained and occupied. A child and a dog can develop a strong bond. When choosing a family dog for your child, there are several different things to keep in mind.

First, think about the dog breeds that are noted for being good family dogs. Some of them are rather large breeds, so it's the breed, not necessarily the size. Of course, you have to be comfortable with the dog around your children, so if you want a smaller dog, then so be it.

Of course, this can also depend on the age of your child. Do you have infants, toddlers or preschool age children at home, or are your children adolescents? Also, is the dog going to be an inside dog or an outside dog?

There are of course certain dog breeds that make for better inside dogs, and the same goes for outside dogs. According to the ASPCA, a dog in the house is a good idea once a child reaches ten years old. Of course, you can have a dog when your child or children are younger, but you really have to keep up with everything and ensure safety.

Furthermore, an older child can have a much better say as to what kind of dog they might like. This can also help you pick out a dog.

Where do you plan on getting the dog? Do you want to get it from a breeder or pet store, or would you like to take home a rescue dog? You don't have to get a full breed, rescue dogs that are mixes often make nice family pets, too. I have one of them here beside me.

You also need to think about the age of the dog in contrast with the age of your children. If you get a puppy for a three year old, you're in for having two children running around the house. All things considered, sometimes it's better to opt for a mature dog.

When you do get a dog to bring home to your child, you need to make sure that he or she understands the responsibilities of care. This is a great way for them to learn responsibility in general. If you get the right dog for your child, you no doubt are going to be welcoming a loving new member to the family.

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