Wednesday 14 June 2017

Choosing Bully Sticks For Your Dog - What Should Matter

Bully sticks are amazing dog treats especially considering that they go a long way in improving the dental hygiene of your dog as well as its physical health. They may be referred to as sticks but they are completely digestible and come with high levels of protein and low in fat, so your dog gets the best at the end of the day. The truth however is that not all sticks are made equal and you would need to play your role if at all you are to get the most nutritious ones and the right ones for your dog. Below are a few things you should consider when looking for bully sticks. 

The source 

These sticks generally come from cattle and how the cattle is reared will determine the kind of quality and nutritional value your dog gets from the treats. It is best that you choose treats that are got from free range beef or grass-fed beef over those got from cattle that are given growth hormones and antibiotics. There are preferences when it comes to cattle source so ensure that you are getting human grade beef tendon that is bound to offer more value to your dog. 

The processing 

The dog sticks are processed in different ways, including being sun dried, smoked and cooking in an oven. The manufacturing process might determine how they smell; in essence, the longer they are dried the less odor they will contain. When looking at the manufacturing process, it is wise that you stay away from manufactures that wash the sticks in bleaches and other chemicals just to get rid of the smell. It is better to have sticks with slight odor than sticks laded with chemicals that can be harmful to your dog. Choose something your dog will enjoy in terms of flavor. 

The size 

Bully sticks for dogs are manufactured in different shaped and sizes with most in the market measuring up 12 inches. They can be braided, ringed or in knots among other shapes. When choosing, you should consider the size of your dog. Ideally, small dogs should have an easier time handling small sticks over very large ones. You can also choose the size of the sticks in relation to what kind of a chewer your dog is. Get thicker sticks for powerful, vigorous chewers and slimmer sticks for dogs that seem to have moderate chewing interest. 

Shelf life 

Because they are dried, the sticks can generally last for several months and some can go for a couple of years still in good quality. You, however must know how to preserve them to have them last as long as possible. It can take your dog few hours or days to chew one stick; you can make a point of putting the chewed stick in your freezer to harden it again and preserve it so you can serve it to your dog later. When buying the sticks, be sure to check expiry dates so you can buy only what is enough for your dog. It is also important to adhere to the preservation directions. 

When buying bully sticks, stick to chemical free ones and buy only from manufacturers you can trust for quality. Your dog deserves the best.


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