Monday 21 January 2019

Online Dog Training Course

Do you have a dog or puppy you need to train?

Train properly.

I understand. No one wants a dog that misbehaves, chews your shoes, is not toilet trained, or is perhaps aggressive towards other animals or people. Having such a dog isn't good for the owners but also for anyone else that comes into contact with the dog.

Training a dog isn't easy either. Until you know how to do it properly.

Sometimes the mistakes can be quite funny though, as this following example of mine shows.

A Real Life Experience

I had a beautiful Staffordshire Bull terrier once named Sam and he used to quietly wait near the back door when he wanted to go outside. I thought it would be a good idea to teach him to give me a little bark to let me know he wanted to go out.

I put my hand on the door handle and gave a little bark and when he copied me I opened the door. He soon caught on and would bark every time he wanted to go out. Not as he was waiting there as I intended though. Instead, he would still wait quietly to go out and as soon as my hand touched the door handle to let him out, he would give a little bark.

So there is a perfect example that it's often the owner that needs the training to be able to teach their dogs properly, and it's so easy to for them to think they know what they are doing but without the right knowledge and skills they may be just making things worse.

Price Advantage

Dog trainers are expensive and that is a problem for many. Hiring one can get you good results but it's normally an expensive way to go about things.

Even more so if they come to your home and do it.

There are distinct advantages in using an online based course system.

It's normally a cheaper option. We all need a little extra money these days and saving anywhere we can is always welcome.


Another great advantage is that instead of having to hire a trainer to come to your home, or for you to have to travel to one, you can conduct training lessons at home, or at a nearby park, whichever suits you best.

This also means you don't have a strict regime and you can work at a pace that suits your lifestyle and the progression of your pet.

Dogs are like people and some are smarter than others, so naturally some breeds will learn faster. Being able to work at a pace that suits you and your dog usually makes an online course a more attractive alternative to most methods.

How would you know you were getting a high standard of trainer?

It can be very hard to tell unless you were referred by word of mouth and again, this is where an online education system has the advantage of being able to put the very best the world has to offer at your disposal. Getting this value in anything but an online dog training system is impossible.


Being a good dog trainer takes years and being an expert takes even more.

That is probably the absolute best thing about an online course.

You can be led by your hand by an expert and a complete step by step system of video courses turns you into an expert too.

By applying such a system diligently, you can progress quite rapidly and are not held back by class stragglers as in a group class system.

Relationship Building

When you take the time to train your own dog, you are also building a relationship with it.

Dogs are a pack animal and it's very important for you to establish yourself as the leader of the pack. This becomes harder for you to establish when a trainer is being hired to train your dog.

The bonds of love and friendship too are also very important and by accepting the responsibilities of training your dog, you are also reinforcing both of these.

You doing the training is one of the very best ways in building a close relationship with your pet.


Like any system them there are disadvantages and I can see a minor one with online education but it is quite a small one and easily overcome.

That is socializing your dog. It's a step that is very important in the training of any dog but can be even more so with certain breeds. A Staffordshire Bull Terrier, for instance, will often want to attack any animal that moves if it hasn't been properly socialized and socializing isn't something you can do at home.

You can easily overcome this though by taking your dog to a park to interact with other dogs, but you will have to take this step. It can't all be conducted at home.


To give you a summary, using an online course has some great benefits...

· Price, It's much cheaper than hiring a personal dog trainer.
· You can do most of the training at home.
· It easily adapts to your lifestyle.
· It will help you build a loving relationship with your dog.
· You can work at a pace that suits you and your dog.
· You can access a highly successful method provided by a true expert in their field.
· It can provide a high-value solution to both you and your dog.
· It's highly effective because the master (you) is providing the training.
· You can also be sometimes expected to be rewarded with other surprise digital bonuses, such as dog care advice or additional training information.
· You can obtain the skills to become an expert, and in turn charge for your services.

So there you go.

An online course could perhaps provide you with everything you and your dog need to make sure you have an obedient, socialized and well-adjusted dog and of course ensure a wonderful relationship for both of you.

Keep well and keep smiling and I wish you all the very best in the future for you and your new family member.

If you feel that you would like to train your dog yourself then you can try an established training course FREE for 6 days to see if it's right for you and your dog. Click for access!


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