Thursday 24 January 2019

Experience the Love of a Dog

Do you want true, everlasting, unconditional love? Then adopt a dog! The loyalty and faithfulness of a dog cannot be compared to anything else, including that of a spouse or family member. A dog will never argue with you (although I suppose some pet parents could debate that one!) He or she will be by your side until your very last breath and even beyond that.

If you adopt a little puppy make sure someone in the home is with him or her most of the time. Either that or take some lessons on crate training. Crate training is a safe, humane and effective way of making sure the puppy stays out of trouble while nobody is at home with them. Your puppy will need a lot of love and patience from you. Perhaps while he is very young, begin some training courses that you and he can take together. Both of you will learn a lot and it can prevent many problems that could occur as your puppy grows. For a list of dog trainers near you look up the subject on your search engine. Make sure your trainer has experience in training young puppies. If there are small children in the home, be certain you supervise all encounters between them and your puppy. This can deter any accidents from happening. If the children are taught to treat the puppy with love and respect, the puppy will be their best friend for life.

If your home is too busy

to take on the responsibilities associated with raising a young puppy, you can still have a dog. Then the best thing to do is take your whole family to your nearest animal shelter and find a mature dog that everyone bonds with. You will know when you find the right dog. Sometimes they pick you and it is love at first sight for all concerned. An older dog is just as much of a loving and affectionate companion as a puppy that you have raised. Plus they have often outgrown all of the sometimes unwanted antics of a baby dog.

Do remember however that owning a dog of any age is a lifetime commitment. A dog is not a toy, nor is it garbage that you throw away when it has aged. Many a dog is literally heartbroken and does not survive when the family he or she has known all of its life abandons them - even at a shelter. A dog will give you and your loved ones endless amounts of pleasure. They will be there for you when everyone else has gone from your life. Your dog will never give up on you. So please remember to never give up on them.

When you have made a decision to get a dog; whether it is a puppy or an adult, the best thing to do is adopt one from an animal shelter. Not only will you be taking home your new friend-for-life, but you will be saving his or her life. There are plenty of dogs at shelters who have lots of love to give if someone will just give them a chance. Will you be that someone?


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