Monday 14 January 2019

5 Key Training Tips for First Time Dog Parents

Dogs are wired to follow a leader, so it is important to establish your role as the leader right away. Tone and body language are perceivable by dogs, so they may test certain behaviors such as barking or chewing if they observe your demeanor as weak and persuadable.

Take initiative in showing confidence from the early stages of your relationship. It may seem natural to constantly shower your pet with affection, but remember to remain stern on house rules and assertive in your training approach.

2. Consistency is key.

One of the most influential principles in learning how to train your dog is consistency with rules and commands. Stay firm on what is allowed and not allowed by deciding on "house rules" as soon as your new dog arrives. If your pet sees inconsistencies or receives rewards for unwanted behavior, it may confuse him and result in picking up bad habits.

Your dog will notice who allows him to get away with different behaviors. Make sure to alert all household members and house guests of the rules to create a support system for your furry loved one.

3. Make a dog nest.

Pets, like humans, need a space of their own. Set up a place where your dog can sleep and rest undisturbed by other pets or other family members. This is their comfort zone, so try adding blankets or her favorite chew toys for that extra coziness. If you're training your dog to stay off the bed, keep her spot close by so she knows where to go during bedtime while still feeling the security of being close to you.

4. Be mindful of your dog's name.

Picking a name for your new puppy or dog is something you may love to do, but make sure to look for names with a strong consonant ending for easier training. Though Trixie may sound cute as a pet name, dogs respond better to names such as Amber, Morgan or Peanut.

If your pet previously came from a shelter, chances are he has a temporary name that he may be used to. Thankfully your dog is an adaptable creature and will likely respond to his new name over time.

5. Have fun!

Learning how to train your dog may seem daunting, but think of it as precious bonding moments you will never forget. Make it enjoyable by holding training sessions outdoors or in your favorite spot of the house. Your dog will associate happy times with training times and a more pleasant experience for you both. To end sessions on a positive note, add some loving praise on a job well done so your pet comes back excited, ready for more.


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