Thursday 6 December 2018

The Importance of Walking Your Dog, And So Much More

Walking your dog or (best buddy) is so much more than just a way of exercising. Walking your dog is also showing your dog that you care for it and want it to enjoy themselves rather than be bored sitting indoors all day, doing nothing but stare out the window, look for food and sit on your feet. Dog walking is also a behavior training opportunity, it teaches your fluffy creature how to behave in canine company. Not only is this benefiting both of you on the exercise side but you are also developing a relationship with your dog and having some quality time to bond with your beloved pet!

A thought not to forget is that the second we become pet owners we are taking our pets health 100% into our own responsibility. Walking our dogs regularly is one of the first steps to their physical and mental health, if you often walk your dog you will notice they are more physically fit, they feel better, have better form, are more energetic, experience less health problems and live longer. Walking our dogs can also be a great form of structure and compliments the structure that we provide in the home. Because we love our dogs we often believe that they should have all the freedom in the world. But having structure is hard-wired into dogs, they seek it crave it and are happier with it. There is no more basic rhythm for dogs than walking, it makes their lives whole and is something they can look forward to. Walking your dog is not just beneficial on the health side it also creates happiness. When you have a great relationship with your dog you're in good health and you're making new friends you're bound to enjoy more in life!

Moreover, the social aspects of walking your dog can also act as a great incentive for us all. People love to share things in common and what is more socially enjoyable than having a chat with a fellow dog lover while on a walk. Friendships are built out of such things.

Finally, it's us, yes the owners of the dog who benefit the most. A good walk for 30 - 60 minutes is fantastic for the mood, cardiovascular activity, and overall health. It takes multi-tasking to another level. Fulfill all your objectives from one simple walking activity in a fraction of the time.


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