Friday 21 December 2018

How To Train Your Dog: A Beginner's Guide

Training your dog is the first step in healthy interaction, guidance and building a strong relationship between your dog and perhaps the whole family. Knowing how to train your dog may seem daunting, especially after watching YouTube videos of dogs knowing 10 different commands with ease. There are simple steps you can take today to start implementing techniques and make training part of your routine with your dog.

One important tip to always remember is to stay consistent. While it may seem inconsequential or too difficult to rally the whole family to allow or not allow certain behaviors with your dog, it is one of the key concepts in training that will be easy in time after it becomes habitual.

For example, if you want to train your dog not to jump up on the bed, make sure to keep the bed a 24/7 off-limit zone, as much as you may want to cuddle him on those cold and rainy nights. Then, set your dog up for success by making sure there are no other beds in the house where this behavior is tolerated.

Another important element is to remember to stay the boss. Experts believe it's nature in dogs to find an alpha or be the alpha, so be sure to make that role clear from the get-go when learning to train your dog. This doesn't necessarily mean having to yell or get upset at your dog, but just exuding confidence and, again consistency, will show him you're taking on that role. Affection is encouraged, and of course the best part of being a dog parent, but knowing how to train your dog means also showing your stern side when appropriate.

Focusing on good behavior rewards instead of bad behavior reprimanding is a great technique in any learning environment. Support your dog by giving him room to make a good decision followed by a reward instead of assuming he should know how to make the decision on his own. Assist him in the good behavior and immediately reward instead of waiting for him to make the wrong decision and then punishing him for it. This will not only train your dog but will make your relationship rock-solid.

Toilet training is one of the first concerns of many dog owners, so it's believed to be best started at around 3-4 months old or as soon as possible. If your dog will be spending time indoors, there are some tips to remember when starting your potty training.

First, give your pup plenty of time on walks to allow for him to do his business. It may take a while for him to feel comfortable enough, and not over stimulated, to find a good spot. Then, try to head to the same spot when on walks so he'll recognize the scent and start to learn when it's time to go.

Regular mealtimes will also promote regular and smooth potty training, along with lots of praise for a job well done while outside or on walks.

Start with basic commands, add some potty training and the techniques mentioned when learning how to train your dog. Keep it fun and lighthearted! Remember, this is your precious bonding time, so get to know your dog and start implementing these initial steps to keep the training-train moving. With consistency and confidence over time, your dog will be YouTube worthy in no time!


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