Wednesday 1 April 2020

Simple Dog Obedience Tips For Dog Training at Home

Dog training at home is possible because today there are a number of resources that provide you with dog obedience tips and tricks to easily train your dog at home. The arrival of a puppy is a time of great excitement. The amount of attention the puppy receives can actually spoil the puppy.
Follow these simple steps for successful dog training at home:

The first thing to bear in mind when you embark on a dog training program is to ensure that use only positive methods like rewards, reinforcement and encouragement. Start right from the time the puppy is brought home. Make sure that you develop habits that you want the puppy to display and discourage any behavior that is undesirable. It's better to nurture good habits from the beginning rather than correcting them at a later stage.
Keep the lessons short and simple. Begin by giving the puppy easy commands and when the expected behavior is exhibited it should be rewarded with a pat or any other kind of reinforcing word. Don't always use food as an incentive.
The training session should be based around building trust and love and respect and not punishment and harsh methods. If you follow some of these dog obedience tips you will soon find that your dog training at home has been successful.

Please remember that a puppy is like a little child, playful and loves attention. Do not treat it harshly otherwise it will learn to be afraid or may display reverse behavior.
Enjoy the puppy's playful behavior and how you train it at this stage will reflect in the long term bond that it builds with you and your family.
Potty training which is usually the first step can actually be a stressful time for any pet owner. An important rule is to give food and water at a scheduled time and then take them out. Remove the water bowl at night and keep it back in the morning. Take the puppy out after meal so that it knows that this is the time for it to eliminate. To start with, fix a designated area which you want the puppy to use as a toilet and then take it there every hour to convey to it that this is the spot for it to excrete.

Leash training is also, a part of dog training at home is one of many useful dog obedience tips. Make it familiar with the dog collar so that it starts understanding that collar means it will go for a walk.
Training your dog at home is not only possible, but it's also pretty darn simple too.


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